On 28/06/2024 22:06, Máté Kocsis wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I've been working on a new RFC for a while now, and time has come to present 
> it to a wider audience.
> Last year, I learnt that PHP doesn't have built-in support for parsing URLs 
> according to any well established standards (RFC 1738 or the WHATWG URL 
> living standard), since the parse_url() function is optimized for performance 
> instead of correctness.
> In order to improve compatibility with external tools consuming URLs (like 
> browsers), my new RFC would add a WHATWG compliant URL parser functionality 
> to the standard library. The API itself is not final by any means, the RFC 
> only represents how I imagined it first.
> You can find the RFC at the following link: 
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/url_parsing_api 
> <https://wiki.php.net/rfc/url_parsing_api>
> Regards,
> Máté

Hi Máté

+1 from me, I'm all for modern web-related APIs as you know.

Some questions/remarks:
- Why did you choose UrlParser to be a "static" class? Right now it's just a 
fancy namespace.
  I can see the point of having a UrlParser class where you can e.g. configure 
it with which URL standard you want,
  but as it is now there is no such capability.
- It's a bit of a shame that the PSR interface treats queries as strings.
  In Javascript we have the URLSearchParams class that we can use as a 
key-value storage for query parameters.
  This Javascript class also handles escaping them nicely.
- Why is UrlComponent a backed enum?
- A nit: We didn't bundle the entire Lexbor engine, only select parts of it. 
Just thought I'd make it clear.
- About edge cases: e.g. what happens if I call the Url constructor and leave 
every string field empty?

Overall seems good.

Kind regards

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