> On 3 Jul 2024, at 21:07, Vincent de Lau <vinc...@delau.nl> wrote:
> From: Stephen Reay <php-li...@koalephant.com> 
> Sent: Wednesday, July 3, 2024 1:17 PM
>> On 1 Jul 2024, at 23:33, Mike Schinkel <mailto:m...@newclarity.net> wrote:
>>> Autoloading runs userland code. This means it has the potential conflict 
>>> between different packages with different autoloaders
>> *Can* run userland code. It doesn't *have to*; FYI  spl_autoload 
>> (https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.spl-autoload.php) has existed since 
>> php5.1 and works amazingly well. 
>> That "standards" like psr-whatever can't (read: choose not to) use it says 
>> more about people and maintaining their little fiefdoms than anything else. 
> As a PHP-FIG Core Committee member, I find this characterisation of people 
> involved in the FIG offensive. My contribution, however big or small, is 
> intended to help the PHP community at large.

If you choose to be offended by my opinion, I can't really help that. 

> To come back to spl_autoload: That function pre-dates namespaces and is 
> highly opinionated on how to organise code. All lower-case filenames, class 
> per-file, files in include_path, full namespace in path, you name it. If that 
> is what projects wanted at the time, or even now, PSR-0 and the PHP-FIG would 
> possibly not even exist.

It's less highly opinionated than either PSR, but that's my whole point: it's 
*someone else's opinion*, hence it's opposed by FIG.

Neither of which is the point I was making - someone claimed that autoloaders 
are implicitly userland code. The point is they don't *have* to be, and there 
is a perfectly useable one built in to the SPL extension; if it's "too 
opinionated" (or the opinions are ones you don't like), it's hardly the most 
in-depth of functions, and it already *has* configurable parts, so adding in 
more control shouldn't exactly require a rocket scientist to add, for example, 
the ability to use the original case of the class name.

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