On Thu, Aug 15, 2024, at 18:18, Stephen Reay wrote:
>> On 15 Aug 2024, at 22:22, Rob Landers <rob@bottled.codes> wrote:
>> Hello internals,
>> I've decided to attempt an RFC for function autoloading. After reading 
>> hundreds of ancient (and recent) emails relating to the topic along with 
>> several abandoned RFCs from the past, and after much review, I've decided to 
>> put forth a variation of a previous RFC, as it seemed the least ambitious 
>> and the most likely to work:
>> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/function_autoloading4
>> Please let me know what you think. An implementation should be along before 
>> opening it for a vote (now that I realize how important that is).
>> — Rob
> Hi Rob,
> I like the simplicity of this, however your RFC doesn't document the changes 
> required to `spl_autoload`[1] to allow it to keep working with this new 
> functionality.

Ah, good catch. I've updated this and gone through other relevant functions.

> The same issue (unexpected additional argument) potentially affects userland 
> autoloaders too, but obviously the individual authors can fix that themselves 
> (whether this would count as a BC break is not immediately clear to me)

Userland functions don't throw that error, so it shouldn't be an issue. (You 
can pass as many arguments as you want to a userland function, as long as there 
are enough of them).

> Slightly tangentially, you may also want to look at a change to 
> `spl_autoload_call` to accept a `SPL_AUTOLOAD_*` argument, so that it works 
> consistently.


Thank you Stephen for pointing out this oversight.

> Cheers
> Stephen
> 1: https://www.php.net/spl_autoload

— Rob

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