On Sat, Aug 24, 2024, at 18:49, Bilge wrote:
> Hi gang,
> New RFC just dropped: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/default_expression. I 
> think some of you might enjoy this one. Hit me with any feedback.
> This one already comes complete with working implementation that I've 
> been cooking for a little while. Considering I don't know C or PHP 
> internals, one might think implementing this feature would be 
> prohibitively difficult, but considering the amount of help and guidance 
> I received from Ilija, Bob and others, it would be truer to say it would 
> have been more difficult to fail! Huge thanks to them.
> Cheers,
> Bilge

This is pretty awesome! I see this as some syntax sugar, to be honest:

> as soon as two or more nullable arguments are involved

I'm not sure what you mean here. I use this method all the time :) much to the 
chagrin of some of my coworkers.

function stuff($foo = 'bar', $baz = 'world');

stuff(...[ ...($foo ? ['foo' => $foo] : []), ...($baz ? ['baz' => $baz] : [])]);

Having this would be a lot less verbose.

— Rob

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