On Thu, 28 Oct 2004, Pascal dev wrote:
> I though about a lot of possibilities :
> -problem with C global variable handling (I am not using ZTS),
> -problem with Zend variables handling (the C functions are creating and updating 
> zval parameters)
> -problem with sessions (I tried files and mm with same result)
> -bad configuration...

Sounds more like some nasty memory handling problem to me.  When running 
as a CGI your process starts up and shuts down completely for each request 
so the OS cleans everything up for you after each request even if you 
forget to free() malloc'ed memory.  When running as an Apache module your 
code must be re-entrant and clean up after itself after each request.  If 
you use PHP's emalloc/efree memory handling wrappers this is easy, but if 
you are doing your own mallocs perhaps you forgot to free and on each 
request you chew up more memory.  Pop it through Valgrind and see what is 


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