On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 11:13:33 +0200 (CEST), in php.internals
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Derick Rethans) wrote:

>Myth: Safe mode makes a PHP installation safe.
>Wrong! It might make it a bit safer, but there is always a possibility
>to work around it.

On the other hand, I think it's a pity not to freshen up code, just
because someone turns the argument around: "There is always a
possibility to work around it".

I think that's the case with the glob()-issue. There is some weirdness
with the way that glob() behaves, but there was a reason for adding
the safe_mode-check in the first place. There is some inconsistensy in
first adding some features with defect safe_mode-aware checks, and not
fixing these defects, because safe_mode is a hack. Otherwise, remove
safe_mode totally, once and for all.

But before safe_mode is politically decided bad and should be removed
entirely, one must respect that it is present and part of the system -
for better and for worse.

By the way, since it's a myth, you might stop repeating the myth,
since no-one else bombastically claimed that "Safe mode makes a PHP
installation safe" :)

- Peter Brodersen

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