On Mon, Feb 07, 2005 at 10:04:46PM +0100, Ron Korving wrote:
> I just did a long test from 1 - 10000 and I noticed that every time the
> number was increased with one bit (starting with 2048, then 4096, then 8192)
> behaviour changes. You were right, my bad.
> Makes me wonder though, what's the point of a bankers' algorithm if .005 can
> never be reached, only approached? :) This unpredictable rounding behaviour
> is a real b*tch, but what can you do :)

you want to use integers or bcmath (http://php.net/bc) or gmp
(http://php.net/gmp) to get your own control of rounding and
accuracy. this makes this thread more appropiate for php-general than
for internals.


> Ron

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