PHP 5 Bug Database summary -

 Num Status     Summary (384 total including feature requests)
===============================================[*Configuration Issues]========
29971 Assigned   variables_order behaviour
===============================================[*General Issues]==============
29165 Feedback   Request variables are being escaped
===============================================[Apache related]===============
29695 Feedback   php_admin_value being overriden by php_value
===============================================[Apache2 related]==============
29983 Verified   default_charset not set by ini_set
32146 Feedback   The php apache2handler module segfaults
32176 Feedback   (OS 10054)An existing connection was forcibly closed by the 
remote host.  : cor
===============================================[Arrays related]===============
30833 Assigned   array_count_values modifing input array
30871 Assigned   Misleading warning message for array_combine()
32121 Feedback   WDDX does not properly serialize variables
===============================================[Bzip2 Related]================
29521 Open       compress.bzip2 wrapper
===============================================[CGI related]==================
28839 Verified   SIGSEGV in interactive mode (php -a)
30722 Feedback   php://input causes hanging of web scripts
32199 Feedback   php-cgi hanging
===============================================[Class/Object related]=========
28491 Suspended  $this may be modified indirectly inside a method
30823 Open       Objects destroyed in FIFO rather LIFO.
30889 Open       Conflict between __get/__set and ++ operator
30934 Assigned   Special keyword 'self' inherited in child classes
31449 Assigned   Comparison of class with recursive references causes fatal
32296 Open       get_class_methods output has changed between 5.0.2 and 5.0.3
===============================================[ClibPDF related]==============
31376 Open       Function cpdf_fill_stroke() only fills
===============================================[COM related]==================
29583 Open       [PATCH] com_dotnet crashes when trying to strlen
29973 Assigned   Comparing COM object variable with NULL throws an exception
31493 Open       navigating to javascript:anything kills IE
31636 Assigned   Type cast is unchecked
32026 Open       Can't call to function with paramArray in arg list definition
32038 Open       com_print_typeinfo returning duplicate entries
32123 Feedback   Not Work
32133 Feedback   Failed create COM object
32161 Feedback   com_exception message filed string reformat
32170 Feedback   com_event_sink does not take default event interface
===============================================[Compile Failure]==============
27729 Suspended  cant compile ext/sqlite as shared
28823 Suspended  bad line in skeleton file (flex-2.5.31)
30160 Open       Installing PHP SAPI module fails
30554 Feedback   sybase-ct compile failure
30641 Assigned   Compile error: error: symbol "zend_error" is used but not 
30965 Feedback   php 5.0.3RC1 fails to compile with freetds
31256 Open       PHP_EVAL_LIBLINE doesn't handle -pthread
32085 Feedback   configure fails due to missing 'ld'
32285 Feedback   can't complie with gd
===============================================[Compile Warning]==============
32237 Open       200503081930: sun forte compiler gives a lot of warnings
===============================================[cURL related]=================
29886 Feedback   segment fault when processing curl output with 
"wrapper-registered" stream
===============================================[Date/time related]============
29205 Feedback   NaN in php_sunrise_sunset()
30937 Assigned   date_sunrise() & date_sunset() don't handle endless day/night 
at high latitudes
32015 Feedback   StrtoTime Function Giving Different Timestamps in different 
===============================================[Directory function related]===
30014 Feedback   pathinfo() doesn't handle multibyte path
30105 Feedback   Error of the function "basename()"
32162 Feedback   dirname returning \ for root entries
===============================================[Documentation problem]========
28018 Open       Document PECL extensions, especially for Windows users
29275 Open       IIS 5.1 needs special attention in the IIS docs
29514 Open       auto_globals_jit not in php.ini
29686 Assigned   Bug when using foreach on an array that has been referenced 
29819 Open       Extension documentation for Windows Flavor
29862 Open       CHM file not update since 2004-3
29919 Open       php.ini lacks dependency information
30185 Open       Documentation for native interfaces
30908 Open       How to use NULLS in mysqli prepared statements
31303 Open       treating a string like a regular array leads to a fatal offset
31675 Open       restore_error_handler() not work inside error handler
31677 Open       Document ibase changes in PHP 5
31806 Open       __set, __get, and __call should be stated as being being 
required to be public
31929 Open       Output Buffering Bug
32094 Assigned   Problem with charset
32122 Open       header("Status: 404 Not Found"); does not work
32137 Open       Objects are not being passed by reference
===============================================[DOM XML related]==============
32289 Open       Wrong handling of default namespaces
===============================================[Feature/Change Request]=======
15208 Open       .phps file additional feature
20263 Open       CURL: feof doesn't work with --with-curlwrappers
20656 Open       Feature Request: mysql_fetch_object as user defined class
22123 Open       gzdecode() in zlib extension
22494 Open       Additional functions needed for namespaces
22554 Open       Show Source Anchors
22587 Open       extension_path feature
23022 Open       Supported dereferencing array indeces on arbitrary expressions
23158 Open       a new digit checker
23557 Open       want something like C's limits.h
23575 Open       Typo on registerfunction function will kill apache
24064 Open       requested: std (standard deviation)
24087 Open       Make temporary_directory available in userland
24348 Open       extension functions can't return by reference
24350 Assigned   overloading mysqli-query-objects
24493 Open       ./configure to check if --with-mssql and 
--with-sybase/--with-sybase_ct is set
24732 Open       cannot read array elements recived via $_REQUEST
25122 Open       Control over typecasting objects to strings
25229 Open       fputcsv
25265 Open       A new API call to return actual HTTP content-length accurately 
is needed.
25810 Open       need dmalloc path variable
25898 Open       array returning mechanism from objects?
26090 Open       allow colons in time zone offset to strtotime()
26099 Open       session is not available in __destruct()
26320 Assigned   strtotime() does not understand ISO6801 datetime format as 
used in XMLSchema
26536 Open       constant() should accept an Array in ZE2
26575 Open       Case Sensitive Class Names
26658 Open       Request: Persistent FTP Connections
26689 Open       Input Filter is not implemented for RFC1867 filenames
26739 Open       __call() doesn't work for static methods
26859 Open       some_func()['some_key'] and ((object) some_func)->some_prop  
26867 Open       get_declared_classes() does not return interfaces
26933 Open       Function return object
26934 Open       error logging should log url for each page
26953 Open       static function in unnamed class not callable
27022 Open       Class constant has no visibility modificator
27150 Open       2 feature requests, directly accessing returned arrays, and 
statics by reference
27152 Open       fam_next_event() doesn't return the corresponding request
27251 Open       Sharing variables, functions and objects between 2 running 
27289 Open       Change application/x-httpd-php in php5
27304 Open       ZE2 Static functions don't function properly
27316 Open       Automatically add PHP directory to PATH
27418 Open       SimpleXML Object forgetting values.
27450 Suspended  Client IP FTP
27558 Open       [apache hooks] Location HTTP header failure
27591 Open       JPEG 2000 IPTC not found by GetImageSize + iptcparse
27618 Open       curl_multi_info_read does not appear to work
27785 Open       Change __sleep to always work on copy of object instead of 
27897 Open       static memebers overloading
27926 Open       No access-modified constants
28051 Suspended  gzip accept-encoding for HTTP request
28156 Suspended  E_WARN instead E_ERROR when doing  $a = 'asdf'; echo 
28165 Suspended  Missing implicit object to integer conversion
28176 Suspended  isset() returns false for properties returned from __get()
28269 Open       Incomplete error message when instantiating child classes of 
an abstract class
28331 Open       Fatal Errors
28479 Open       Custom URL rewriting API in PHP (for url_scanner)
28609 Open       property schemaTypeInfo in DomElement doesn't return anything
28714 Open       Type hint error completely useless
28726 Open       getDocComment function for reflectionProperty class
28793 Assigned   php.ini settings should be able to read other php.ini settings
28835 Open       cannot call overloaded methods via parent::method() or 
29070 Open       __get/__set should allow recursive calls
29072 Open       stack of __autoload handlers
29085 Open       bad default include_path on Windows
29243 Open       SimpleXML: add nodeName and localName
29248 Open       FTP does not work on glFTPD + TLS
29280 Assigned   changing the default http-wrapper
29337 Assigned   dns_get_record() unavailable on *BSD
29351 Suspended  New feature : scp
29417 Suspended  Type hints do not allow for extended interfaces
29480 Open       __autload() in classes
29482 Open       imagecreatefrompng() throws fatal error (no warning) when 
opening broken images
29495 Suspended  New DOM and XSL classes should throw exceptions.
29497 Open       xsltprocessor->setParameter() to accept an array
29509 Open       get_class_vars() returns unusable information
29585 Assigned   Support week numbers in strtotime()
29714 Open       getopt does not reset
29722 Open       Error log newlines style
29736 Open       instanceof requires class to be loaded
29846 Open       Function to close the output stream
29930 Open       Type hint error message should reveal both class names
29972 Open       array_combine issues warning on empty arrays
30111 Open       Move some DOMDocument properties to static
30126 Open       Enhancement for error message for abstract classes
30139 Open       Link phpinfo() modules to manual
30155 Open       make the header files ISO C99 and ISO C++ compatible
30177 Open       Change for const
30211 Open       Method argument type-mismatch returns error with method's 
30324 Open       serialize() should work on internal classes
30327 Open       --with-config-file-path option name, phpinfo() output mislead 
30541 Open       $php_errormsg isn't set when an error occured in a function 
called by eval()
30583 Open       echo and print not filtered when stream filter installed on 
30661 Open       user ID and password for mail access
30701 Open       RFE: Option to disable implicit conversion of integers to 
30716 Open       Dynamic Static Member Access
30793 Assigned   Abstract functions and default parameter
30814 Open       more detailed feedback from DOMDocument::schemaValidate
30886 Open       Issue E_STRICT errors for deprecated array notation for string 
char access
30916 Open       odbc_fetch_array function only return associative array
30918 Open       Add a "non-local" flag param to realpath
31058 Open       array_change_key_case recursive option
31318 Open       Static method invocation with classname in a variable
31337 Assigned   Request for new GMT timezone offset argument for the time() 
31342 Open       SQLite OO interface with Exceptions (patch included)
31424 Open       Make mode optional on mkdir
31499 Open       Support for including multiple files with a single include 
31516 Open       Clear screen or ScreenSize
31563 Open       shebang removal
31564 Open       Secure Password Storage
31659 Open       array_map to take non-array parameters and pass them to the 
callback function
31690 Open       user specific additions to php.ini
31695 Assigned   Cannot redefine endpoint when using WSDL
31701 Open       (mis-) use of undeclared attributes
31703 Open       ldap_search against 3rd level sub-domains not returning results
31736 Open       E_PARSE on include() and include_once() stops execution
31766 Open       printf and __toString
31773 Open       Would Like snmpV2 command set in php_snmp
31784 Assigned   GD: add gdftusefontconfig function in gd module :D
31824 Feedback   strtok() improvement suggestion
31930 Open       is_callable / __call interaction
31953 Assigned   SoapClient::setHeader
32012 Open       Request for revisiting your online manual
32014 Open       Last-Modified is set to PHP file mtime
32059 Open       ranges in switch
32073 Open       Overloading for static methods and properties
32091 Assigned   PCRE 5.0 ugprade request
32097 Open       Larger search limit for ldap_search
32098 Open       MySQLi object connection status function
32177 Assigned   ReflectionException
32192 Open       preg_grep does not work with arrays containing references to 
32215 Open       Java Crash
32295 Open       include() should be an alias to include_once(); introduce 
===============================================[Filesystem function related]==
22999 Assigned   proc_close() sometimes returns -1 when called process exited 
with status of 0
27792 Assigned   Functions fail on large files (filesize,is_file,is_dir)
30157 Assigned   ftell() function don't use stream_tell()
30333 Feedback   fscanf() and() not working correctly with other then English 
31137 Assigned   stream_filter_remove() segfaults when stream is already closed
31363 Open       Non-blocking flock() broken
31618 Open       is_readable() results based on ownership of calling script, 
not file
31918 Open       unlink($file) permission denied, when php_check_syntax($file) 
32095 Feedback   file_exists() doesn't work with 2G+ files
===============================================[FTP related]==================
29138 Feedback   Need recompilation to make SSL work for FTP in Windows.
29745 Feedback   ftp_get warns on a Transfer Complete
30516 Feedback   file_put_contents doesnt work with FTP
31774 Feedback   Data missing using DirectoryIterator with ftp:// wrapper
31850 Feedback   ftp+ssl isn't working
===============================================[HTTP related]=================
27814 Assigned   Multiple small packets send for HTTP request
30502 Feedback   Duplicated headers + missing headers in response
32263 Assigned   Location sets 302 on HTTP/1.1+POST, should be 303
===============================================[IIS related]==================
30301 Feedback   connection_status and connection_aborted not working.
31887 Open       Custom 5xx error does not return correct HTTP response message
===============================================[IMAP related]=================
32158 Feedback   imap_headerinfo() function can crash
===============================================[Informix related]=============
29773 Feedback   problemas con make
===============================================[InterBase related]============
30114 Assigned   crash php-cli after "CREATE TABLE " and "DROP TABLE"
30907 Open       Apache crashes when inserting a -1 into a Interbase TIMESTAMP 
31954 Feedback   Interbase returning bool - PHP crash
32143 Assigned   ibase_query() causes IB server crash with invalid DB and 
===============================================[LDAP related]=================
30819 Open       Patch to properly support LDAP SASL binds
31712 Open       Contribution for LDAP SSL Support via Mozilla LDAP C SDK
===============================================[mcrypt related]===============
32157 Feedback   mcrypt_create_iv returns same value each time called
===============================================[mSQL related]=================
31979 Open       msql_fetch_field() not reporting unique keys
===============================================[MSSQL related]================
29316 Open       Executing Stored Procedure with more than one Resultset
29744 Feedback   DARTPART function returns random results
30485 Feedback   CLI Error
31795 Feedback   Permission issues with ntwdblib.dll and Windows 2003
32009 Assigned   mssql_bind() causes buffer overruns & memleaks
32010 Assigned   memleaks in mssql_fetch_batch()
32278 Open       Remote linked server not accessibile
===============================================[MySQL related]================
30481 Assigned   Segmentation Fault when using MySQL
30525 Feedback   mysql_close() fails in some situations with shared links
31294 Open       Wrong charset
31728 Feedback   mysql_insert_id() return wrong ID
===============================================[MySQLi related]===============
31037 Assigned   MySQLi - bind_param
31668 Open       multi_query works exactly every other time
31938 Feedback   mysqli_prepare + MD5 problem
32013 Assigned   MySQLi bind_result causes fatal error: memory limit reached
32093 Assigned   mysqli_next_result does not return error code
===============================================[Network related]==============
27508 Assigned   feof() broken for user-defined streams
===============================================[OCI8 related]=================
29779 Suspended  ORA-24327
30122 Assigned   ORA-02396 error even though there is a call to ocilogoff
30127            lost oracle connection. need restart apache.
30214 Assigned   OCIFetchInto works, oci_fetch_array, oci_fetch_row, etc. don't
30804 Assigned   multiple returned lob resource being overwritten
30808 Suspended  oci8 cannot connect after restarting DB
31042 Assigned   oci_fetch_* set filed value to "false"
31533 Assigned   [PATCH] OCI extension -- crash in _oci_close_session
31995 Open       Oracle select
===============================================[ODBC related]=================
30601 Feedback   ct_get_data(): user api layer: external error:
30687 Feedback   Second read attempt on memo (LONGCHAR) fields via ODBC fails
32216 Assigned   mysql & iodbc support
32260 Feedback   odbc_connect on network MS-Access database
===============================================[OpenSSL related]==============
25614 Suspended  openssl_pkey_get_public() fails when given a private key
31638 Assigned   openssl_csr_sign ignoring configargs
31945 Feedback   openssl_pkcs7_encrypt(), data interception is too easy
===============================================[Other web server]=============
26495 Assigned   Using WebSite Pro 2.5 with ISAPI, cookies are not working
===============================================[Output Control]===============
29544 Feedback   not flush stdout in pipe command which ob_handler and 
with-apxs2 configuration
30578 Open       Output buffers flush explicitly before all variables have gone 
out of scope
32283 Feedback   zlib.output_compression = 1 but no headers sent
===============================================[PECL related]=================
30824 Assigned   Missing export function in php5ts.dll with PDO
30873 Open       pear install pdflib fails
===============================================[Performance problem]==========
30295 Open       array_key_exists() makes a copy of the given array
===============================================[PHP options/info functions]===
28803 Open       --enable-debug causes tests to fail with "Bailed out without a 
bailout address!"
31867 Feedback   PHP does not read my php.ini which is in "Configuration File 
(php.ini) Path"
===============================================[PHP-GTK related]==============
25516 Suspended  Gtk Widgets cannot be stored in Object Variables
===============================================[PostgreSQL related]===========
32223 Open       weird behaviour of pg_last_notice
===============================================[Reproducible crash]===========
29044 Feedback   compact function doesn't take account of infinitly recursive 
29442 Open       php -i gives an error
29803 Suspended  Seg fault on count($GLOBALS, COUNT_RECURSIVE);
29915 Open       [PATCH] allocate_new_resource() dangling pointer
29944 Assigned   Function defined in switch, crashes
30328 Verified   Crash when passing undefned variable to __get() and return its 
30660 Assigned   Using Tidy as shared extension crashes PHP (CLI)
32225 Feedback   Tokenizer fails after fatal error until timeout or apache 
32231 Feedback   zend_objects_clone_obj ( Exception ) => segfault
32265 Feedback   FATAL:  erealloc():  Unable to allocate XXX bytes
32282 Open       segfault using mysqli_fetch_array
32287 Open       Segmentation fault in simple PHP script
32292 Open       XML parser script crashes PHP5ts.dll in Apache 2
===============================================[Safe Mode/open_basedir]=======
31054 Open       include_path is not traversed fully when open_basedir has a 
nonmatching entries
===============================================[Scripting Engine problem]=====
30393 Feedback   CLI and ISAPI give different line endings in ERRORS.LOG file.
30877 Assigned   Possible segfault in __destruct when using parent <--> child 
31749 Assigned   deadlock due to libc mutexes not released when timeout signal 
is delivered
===============================================[Session related]==============
27818 Suspended  session_destroy doesn't work
28644 Open generates incorrect directories with 
hash_bits_per_character != 0
31984 Open       sessions fail randomly, causes a segmentation fault in apache
32112 Feedback   generated PHPSESSID in form causes incomplete page
32233 Feedback   unappropriate session warning
32279 Open       _SESSION treated as super global without session_start()
===============================================[SimpleXML related]============
32188 Feedback   Problem when extending a standard class
===============================================[SNMP related]=================
31772 Open       [PATCH] Net-SNMP 5.2.x ++ Workaround in PHP_SNMP Incorrectly 
32074 Feedback   OID's missing from PHP snmpwalk compared with command line 
===============================================[SOAP related]=================
28541 Feedback   crash with standalone gsoap server
30106 Assigned   SOAP cannot not parse 'ref' element. Causes Uncaught SoapFault 
30498 Assigned   Persistent Connection Handling, Talking to SOAP::Lite
31248 Assigned   SOAP-Client: mapping of overloaded functions fail
31993 Assigned   SoapServer::handle() stops the script
32139 Open       base64binary encode/decode
32141 Feedback   Cannot create SoapClient object from WSDL
===============================================[SPL related]==================
31185 Verified   Crash when exceptions thrown from ArrayAccess::offsetUnset()
31926 Open       php in free() error with RecursiveArrayIterator
32171 Assigned   Userspace stream wrapper crashes PHP
===============================================[SQLite related]===============
31510 Open       sqlite_key function only exists as method for SQLiteResult 
32144 Assigned   sqlite extension causes crash at PHP startup
===============================================[Strings related]==============
29865 Verified   serialize produces invalid output
29908 Feedback   explode() corrupts utf8 data
32006 Feedback   convert_uudecode not always working
===============================================[Systems problem]==============
32293 Assigned   Trouble accessing NNTP server
===============================================[Unknown/Other Function]=======
30377 Assigned   Problem with php_check_syntax()
32273 Feedback   Incorrectly reports function as being redeclared
===============================================[WDDX related]=================
31502 Open       Wrong deserialization from session when using WDDX serializer
===============================================[XML related]==================
27908 Verified   xml default_handlers not being called when using libxml (works 
fine with expat)
28207 Open       Wrong output in PHP 5 with XML Parser Functions
30257 Verified   Unexpected result of xml_get_current_byte_index and 
32245 Verified   xml_parser_free() in a function assigned to the xml parser 
gives a segfault
===============================================[XMLRPC-EPI related]===========
31989 Assigned   Xmlrpc 'infinite loop' issue in php5 for windows only
===============================================[XSLT related]=================
30622 Suspended  xsltProcessor->setParameter() cannot set namespace URI
31994 Open       output conversion failed due to conv error
===============================================[Zend Engine 2 problem]========
26456 Verified   Wrong results from Reflection-API getDocComment() when called 
26780 Suspended  Undefined variables cause type hints to become useless
27073 Suspended  Strange behaviour after extending interface Iterator wo adding 
anything new
27268 Verified   Bad references accentuated by clone
27598 Verified   list() array key assignment causes HUGE memory leak
27833 Suspended  Concatenating overloaded objects fails
27868 Verified   segfault on apache and php5 cli (only with --disable-debug!)
27964 Verified   foreach() + @ + with references broken
28025 Verified   function redeclared when return before its declaration
28054 Assigned   debug_backtrace() bug
28566 Assigned   __autoload does not work when called from a destructor
28972 Verified   [] operator overflow treatment is incorrect
29015 Verified   Incorrect behavior of member vars(non string ones)-numeric mem 
vars und others
29104 Assigned   Function declaration in method doesn't work
29210 Assigned   Function: is_callable - no support for private and protected 
29681 Open       Parent: child process exited with status 3221225477
29687 Verified   By-reference passed value inside foreach() is no longer working
29689 Open       default value of protected member overrides default value of 
29698 Feedback   include suite does not traverse include_path subdirectories
29896 Verified   Backtrace argument list out of sync
29975 Verified   memory leaks
30002 Assigned   Undefined property notice appear when __get method access 
30021 Verified   Infinite loop causing SIGBUS
30074 Feedback   apparent symbol table error with extract($blah, EXTR_REFS)
30080 Verified   Passing array or non array of objects
30140 Verified   Problem with array in static properties
30162 Assigned   Problem with var_dump()
30332 Assigned   zend.ze1_compatibility_mode isnt fully compatable with 
30346 Assigned   arrayAcces & using $this
30451 Assigned   static properties don't work properly
30452 Assigned   php parser don't work properly (1)
30453 Assigned   php parser don't work properly (2)
30519 Verified   Interface not existing says Class not found
30674 Verified   Unexpected results and core dump with recursive references 
30702 Assigned   cannot initialize class variable from class constant
30707 Assigned   Segmentation fault
30708 Feedback   Stream of type 'STDIO' was not closed
30772 Assigned   php_check_syntax collides with require_once
30791 Feedback   overload and serialize produce unexpected behaviour
30820 Assigned   static member conflict with $this->member silently ignored
30828 Verified   debug_backtrace() reports incorrect class in overridden methods
30959 Assigned   __call does not return by reference
30961 Open       Wrong linenumber in ReflectionClass getStartLine()
31086 Verified   Type hinting in constructor crashes php
31177 Verified   Memory leak
31217 Feedback   extract($GLOBALS, EXTR_REFS) corrupts memory
31300 Verified   ArrayAccess and __get crash when using string concat in key
31326 Feedback   Object Destruction Order
31525 Open       object reference being dropped. $this getting lost.
31570 Open       PHP unable to resolve relative paths in __destruct() upon 
unloading page
31686 Feedback   Incoherent behaviour
31725 Open       sqlite/zend engine 2 weird problems
31828 Verified   Crash with zend.ze1_compatibility_mode=On
32080 Verified   segfault when assigning object to itself in ze1 mode
32088 Open       Reference fails after use of unset() on array
32101 Verified   Exception in unknown on line 0 when throwing exception inside 
exception handler
32207 Open       Error triggered in wrong scope for include
32240 Open       self:: syntax cannot be used transparently if used in 
inherited class functions
32252 Open       Segfault when offsetSet throws an Exception (only without 
32254 Open       Nested try-catch blocks may cause segfault
===============================================[Zlib Related]=================
30507 Feedback   Content-Encoding header is not set

Assigned bugs: (reminders sent)
zeev            29971: variables_order behaviour
ilia            30833: array_count_values modifing input array
andrey          30871: Misleading warning message for array_combine()
andi            30934: Special keyword 'self' inherited in child classes
andi            31449: Comparison of class with recursive references causes 
andi            30641: Compile error: error: symbol "zend_error" is used but 
not defined
andi            30793: Abstract functions and default parameter
andi            29944: Function defined in switch, crashes
andi            30877: Possible segfault in __destruct when using parent <--> 
child relations.
andi            31749: deadlock due to libc mutexes not released when timeout 
signal is delivered
andi            28054: debug_backtrace() bug
andi            28566: __autoload does not work when called from a destructor
andi            29104: Function declaration in method doesn't work
andi            29210: Function: is_callable - no support for private and 
protected classes
andi            30002: Undefined property notice appear when __get method 
access $this->OtherProperty
andi            30162: Problem with var_dump()
andi            30332: zend.ze1_compatibility_mode isnt fully compatable with 
andi            30451: static properties don't work properly
andi            30452: php parser don't work properly (1)
andi            30453: php parser don't work properly (2)
andi            30702: cannot initialize class variable from class constant
andi            30707: Segmentation fault
andi            30772: php_check_syntax collides with require_once
andi            30820: static member conflict with $this->member silently 
andi            30959: __call does not return by reference
wez             29973: Comparing COM object variable with NULL throws an 
wez             31636: Type cast is unchecked
wez             22999: proc_close() sometimes returns -1 when called process 
exited with status of 0
wez             27792: Functions fail on large files (filesize,is_file,is_dir)
wez             30157: ftell() function don't use stream_tell()
wez             31137: stream_filter_remove() segfaults when stream is already 
wez             27814: Multiple small packets send for HTTP request
wez             27508: feof() broken for user-defined streams
wez             26495: Using WebSite Pro 2.5 with ISAPI, cookies are not working
wez             30824: Missing export function in php5ts.dll with PDO
wez             32293: Trouble accessing NNTP server
wez             30377: Problem with php_check_syntax()
momo            30937: date_sunrise() & date_sunset() don't handle endless 
day/night at high latitudes
et              29686: Bug when using foreach on an array that has been 
referenced before
derick          32094: Problem with charset
derick          29585: Support week numbers in strtotime()
derick          31337: Request for new GMT timezone offset argument for the 
time() function
georg           24350: overloading mysqli-query-objects
georg           30481: Segmentation Fault when using MySQL
georg           31037: MySQLi - bind_param
georg           32013: MySQLi bind_result causes fatal error: memory limit 
georg           32093: mysqli_next_result does not return error code
                26320: strtotime() does not understand ISO6801 datetime format 
as used in XMLSchema
andrei          28793: php.ini settings should be able to read other php.ini 
andrei          32091: PCRE 5.0 ugprade request
pollita         29280: changing the default http-wrapper
pollita         29337: dns_get_record() unavailable on *BSD
dmitry          31695: Cannot redefine endpoint when using WSDL
dmitry          31953: SoapClient::setHeader
dmitry          30106: SOAP cannot not parse 'ref' element. Causes Uncaught 
SoapFault exception.
dmitry          30498: Persistent Connection Handling, Talking to SOAP::Lite
dmitry          31248: SOAP-Client: mapping of overloaded functions fail
dmitry          31993: SoapServer::handle() stops the script
pajoye          31784: GD: add gdftusefontconfig function in gd module :D
johannes                32177: ReflectionException
rasmus          32263: Location sets 302 on HTTP/1.1+POST, should be 303
abies           30114: crash php-cli after "CREATE TABLE " and "DROP TABLE"
abies           32143: ibase_query() causes IB server crash with invalid DB and 
fmk             32009: mssql_bind() causes buffer overruns & memleaks
fmk             32010: memleaks in mssql_fetch_batch()
tony2001                30122: ORA-02396 error even though there is a call to 
tony2001                30214: OCIFetchInto works, oci_fetch_array, 
oci_fetch_row, etc. don't
tony2001                30804: multiple returned lob resource being overwritten
tony2001                31042: oci_fetch_* set filed value to "false"
tony2001                31533: [PATCH] OCI extension -- crash in 
sniper          32216: mysql & iodbc support
sniper          31638: openssl_csr_sign ignoring configargs
sniper          32144: sqlite extension causes crash at PHP startup
john            30660: Using Tidy as shared extension crashes PHP (CLI)
helly           32171: Userspace stream wrapper crashes PHP
helly           30346: arrayAcces & using $this
edink           31989: Xmlrpc 'infinite loop' issue in php5 for windows only

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