Zeev Suraski wrote:
> damage than good.  And the fact we may have made mistakes in the past
> and have unnecessary constructs already, doesn't mean we should do it
> again.

Yes, PHP is on the right way.
PHP is on the begin of moving from functional to full 00 code. IMHO in
00 code there isn't place for a 'goto' (,but if community need 'goto' i
prefer labeled break/continue. It's enough) or others strange language

My wishlist for future is:
- more, more interfaces at engine level or in SPL
        - "replace" __sleep(), __wakeup()
        - interfaces like DatabaseConnection, DatabaseResultSet,
DatabaseResult, ... (???) which can be implements in database wrappers
or in PDO
- wrap some string functions into class
        - new String(string [,encoding])
        - String.explode(), ...
        - simple way to deal with Unicode, i don't need full support in ZE
        - foreach(new String('test') as $char) // iterators
- create super global objects like Request/Response
        - good place for wrap ifsetor(), filtering like Response.getNumber(name
[, default])

PS. if community need -> create it, but don't repeat mistakes :)

Ondrej Ivanic

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