Hello Gareth,

Friday, June 10, 2005, 3:07:21 PM, you wrote:

> Jani Taskinen wrote:

>>     - Make it quicker. I haven't done any benchmarks but it's pretty 
>> obvious
>>       this does make the PHP startup slower..

> Ok, slower in what way - I mean, lets assume apache1.3 is being used 
> here, does it make the apachectl start slower, or does it make each 
> indivdual request slower ? If it's the later, I'd say it's slow enough 
> already. I'm having to ./buildconf --force and build custom modules 
> directly into php because of the speed issues for certain projects I'm 
> involved in - I'm not sure I like the idea of that speed difference 
> becoming more of an issue.

We are speaking of the MINIT pahse here that happens twice in apache 1.3
and once in apache 2.0 on server start. The RINIT phase that is being
executed on every request doesn't need it so far. However we should
add an entry for that phase too since we might sooner jump into this than
we want.

The current implementation has a runtime behavior of:

The slowest approach would be:
O(n-m) + O(m^2) = O(n) + O(m^2) = O(m^2)

n being the number of modules and
m being the number of dependent modules

in real life it would turn out to be something like:
O(n) + C
with C being a small constant compared to the registering operation

> Though it sounds cool in principle :)

Yeah it is.

Best regards,
 Marcus                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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