> I am searching for some evidence in the PHP source code that the
> possibility of omitting the closing PHP tag is absolutely intentional,
> and in fact part of the language syntax, and therefore it is going to be
> supported indefinitely. Digging for T_CLOSE_TAG and similar stuff have
> lead me to nothing.
I can't imagine a situation where that level of BC breakage would *EVER* be
permitted.  In fact, last I heard it was recommended practice for PEAR files
to omit the end tag.

I suppose it might accidently break if include were ever shifted to C style
inclusion, but that breakage would wind up being considered a bug in the
"new feature" and could be easily fixed by automatically reseting the lexer
state before and after the include statement.

> Actually I would like to clarify and possibly extend the note on page:
> http://php.net/manual/en/basic-syntax.instruction-separation
An example might be helpful...
"<?php echo 'Foo'; ?>" and "<?php echo 'Foo';" are interpreted identically
by PHP.


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