David Olsson wrote:
> Hello all!
> Not really sure if this is posted in the correct newsgroup. If not,
> please just ignore my post... :-)
> Anyhow, I have a strange problem with a PHP extension I have written in
> C++. It builds fine and it also runs fine when I use it with the PHP
> CLI. When I use it from Apache 2, it simply fails with the following
> error in the Apache error log:
> [Thu Sep 22 16:13:06 2005] [notice] child pid 4151 exit signal Aborted (6)
> Otherwise, PHP works fine with Apache 2. All I need to do is comment out
> the lines which use functions in my extension.
> What could be the difference between running the PHP CLI and PHP as a
> Apache 2 module? They both use the same php.ini file. Is there any way
> of getting something more in the log from PHP?

Run Apache under gdb and get a backtrace from that abort to see where
that is happening.


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