
I'm working on an Apache2 module which pulls vhost info from LDAP, and
I've got it all knocked out save one really important feature:  I need to
be able to change the open_basedir on a per-vhost basis, but obviously,
NOT via php_admin_value in the configuration file(s), since each vhost is
loaded dynamically from LDAP data.

I dug around a bit and found the zend_alter_ini_entry function, the
prototype of which, at least, looked really promising.  However, it always
returns FAILURE for me. I've tried every combination of mod_type.

I went and copied the source for zend_alter_ini_entry directly into my
module, which let me determine that the call to zend_find_hash() is what's
failing.  So this leads me to believe zend_alter_ini_entry isn't really
what I need to do this.

I also poked around in the per-dir configuration handler
(sapi/apache2handler/apache_config.c:merge_php_config), but that hasn't
shed enough light on the problem for me to just jump in and start hacking
away at the php module config data block.

So, my question is: is there a programmatic way, via some function call or
procedure, to alter PHP's runtime configuration as I describe above?

Thanks and further details forthcoming to anyone who can lend a hand.

Todd D. Esposito

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