Ilia Alshanetsky schrieb:

>>And remember: PHP6 will not be released for at least a year. So by then
>>typical servers will run at several hundred MHz more, so perhaps the
>>speed penalty won't be noticed at all.
> And people will do more with PHP ultimately making the MHz boost
> irrelevant. Despite tremendous increases in hardware performance, the
> software we run seems to run slower and slower.

Which doesn't stop them from moving from PHP to Ruby (which I suppose is
slower than PHP will ever be).

I know that more power is always eaten by more complex software but this
is not valid for ordinary applications.

>>This is even more true compared
>>to the current speed of PHP as there will (If I recall this correctly)
>>be significant performance enhancements of the Zend Engine with the
>>switch from 5.0 to 5.1.
> PHP 5.0 is MUCH slower the PHP 5.1, all PHP 5.1 does is bring the
> performance back on part with 4.X in most cases (not all, even) when
> used in conjunction with an opcode code cache such as APC.

The microbenchmarks on

indicate that PHP5 is slower than PHP4, but in the note at the end there
is some evidence that PHP5.1 will be significantly faster than PHP4 when
it comes to objects and classes (which is what people who "do more with
PHP" will be using).

Backup? Backup? ...I knew I forgot something!

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