On Sun, 2005-10-30 at 15:57, Ron Korving wrote:
> The function I used in my post does not generate an E_NOTICE, because a
> call-by-reference can be done with an unset variable (that can be set from
> the function).
> <?php
>   error_reporting(E_ALL);
>   function ifsetor(&$var, $value)
>   {
>     return (isset($var)) ? $var : $value;
>   }
>   echo ifsetor($bla, 'test');
> ?>
> This simply prints 'test' and shows no errors. In fact, a var_dump() on $bla
> will show that it's become NULL. Never mind this whole ifsetor() in
> userspace issue, because it's not applicable anyway, but just for the
> record, this function does not generate an E_NOTICE.

Yes but it does generate a null assigned $bla variable in the calling
scope... side effects, side effects, never know when they'll bite you in
the rear.

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