Hello Bob,

Wednesday, November 23, 2005, 1:44:53 AM, you wrote:

> 5.4 Late static binding using "this" without "$" (or perhaps with a
> different name)

> The same example, but now with the call to "self::static2()" replaced with
> "static::static2()", will then print "B::static2".

> Using static::func() is a bit corny, I understand why you don't want another
> new keyword so here is a few more suggestions:

> class::func()
> default::func()
> final::func()

I don't like default or final here. Default because there is no default
class in php and no such thing as a default class is involved here. Final
not because final has a dedicated semantics already. And that deals with
inheritance and tracks down to something that can be or should be done at
compile time  and we want to find a keyword here that describes something
that should be done in run time. Class is nice though.

> I personally think the class:: would be a better solution than static::,
> although this:: is the best solution, can I ask why that was ruled out since
> the title of the section indicates it was the first preference.

Preventing confusion between $this and this to keep the code clean and


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