Kevin Brown wrote:
The only scripts that would break (far from "trillions") here would be
those where you had a space-less ternary statement comparing two
constants (NOT namespace constants -- they don't even exist yet), as
in the following case:

$var = rand() % 2 == 1 ? foo:bar;

Do we have a way getting numbers on how high the probability is that someone is using two constants in the ternary operator without spaces? Would "major PHP open source" projects count? Probably not, because they don't represent the majority of ordinary PHP users.

I mean, comparing this to the current problem with the new date class, it seems that it is much more unlikely that this is out there (but it will be, definitely, and it will affect "some" users, definitely) then a date class, that even from my users point of view ("upgrading php is almost always pain because of BC problems") I would go for Jessies implementation.

- Markus

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