Oliver Grätz wrote:
Jessie Hernandez schrieb:

Please explain what you mean.

Didn't you get my mail? OK, I'll put it in here:

I already brought this up once: How difficult is it to introduce an
option to php.ini which has its standard setting in such a way that
every encountered namespace is automagically translated into "classic
prefixing" style?

Let's say: Mike doesn't want to use namespaces but he wants to use a
package from Jessie. Jessie uses namespaces. Mike has his PHP configured
to "auto-prefix-import" everything. So if he uses your file foo.php containg

  namespace JessieStuff{ class Foo { ... } }

in conjunction with this setting would enable him to

  $x=new JessieStuff_Foo();

This enables people who don't like namespaces to disregard them. No
import, no ::: and all the fresh fun when name collisions occur. Of
course, their code wouldn't be easily usable by those using namespaces,
but that's their problem not ours.

This simply means automating the "as" option for EVERYTHING inside
namespaces for people that hate them.

This is definitely doable, and shouldn't be too difficult. Anyone else have any opinions on this?



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