Jani Taskinen schrieb:
>>This provided we support nested namespaces. Do we need them?
>>JT>>    No, we don't need no stinking namespaces. We already have prefixes. :)
>>Did I write the word "nested" in invisible font? Funny, I didn't know my
>>mail client supports it.
>    Yes, but you don't have to think about "nested" if you forget namespaces. 
> :)

Nope. If you forget namespaces in that statement, then you have to think
ONLY about "nested", meaning questioning

  "This provided we support nested."

which sheds another light on this. Why forget about nesting here and not
everywhere else? No more nested parentheses, no more nested for() loops,
no more nested if(). That's braindead! The concept of being able to nest
stuff is natural to programming.

So, by trying to question namespaces at all, JT still answered the
nesting question ;-)


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