Hello Marco,

  though Hartmut is perfectly correct in his statement here's what happens:

$a = 10; // 10
++$a     // 11
$a + $a  // 22
$a++     // 23

Thursday, January 19, 2006, 5:41:17 PM, you wrote:

> Today during a session i had a strange "magic" feature found in php.

> <?php
> $a = 10;
> echo ++$a + $a++;

just to verfiy echo $a after your echo line, it will show 12

> this works perfect as expected. it returns 22.
> but if i assign $a as a ref. to another variable it will be return 23.

> <?
> $a = 10;
> $b = &$a;
> echo ++$a + $a++;

> this will gave me to 23
> (used the $b to the pre post stuff)

> <?
> $a = 10;
> $b = &$a;
> echo ++$b + $b++;

> this just happens if i have a ref. count to my var. WHY? :)

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/23_%28film%29

> --
> Marco Kaiser

Best regards,

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