No, it's definitely not that hard to write, but I have seeing
'array()' everywhere when I know damn well that it's an array.

Concerning the 'pass by reference' problems, I'm going to assume that
that's happening when you're working with some of the functions
already in PHP or someone else's code, when you don't exactly know (or
remember) that a function does something particular to the parameters.
I know how I design my functions and I've never had any problems with
passing in array literals. I do it all the time and the only problem I
have is having to write in this function-like syntax for an array

> Now PHP is how people make their living.  People rely on it.  It can not
> change on a whim because someone wants to save 5 key strokes when they
> are creating an array.  Use a decent editor and write a macro.

See, the thing about having them both work is that none of the
previous code would be affected. It would allow ability to use it for
those who want to, and to use the older syntax for those who don't.
And simply writing a macro with a decent text editor isn't solving my
issue with 'array()' everywhere – my issue is that this is everywhere
instead of something shorter like [...].

I see it as expanding the functionality of the brackets from just
being used for retreiving and setting array properties, but creating
them as well. As in:

$created_array = ['key1'=>'value', 'key2'=>'value'];
$created_array['key3'] = "value";
$key2 = $created_array['key2'];

Etc. You see, it's just evolution for the brackets, expanding to fill
the rest of its role.

I don't see PHP as necessarily crippled, you're right, but I do see it
as something that does not make sense. Creating an array shouldn't
require what looks like a function, whereas I can understand
'include()', 'echo()', et al would take that form because they do
behave and respond like functions.

For me, I see the whole block of code as the array, not just what goes
inside the ()s. It doesn't make sense to have something that looks
like a function as part of the actual data.


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