PHP 5 Bug Database summary -

 Num Status     Summary (402 total including feature requests)
===============================================[Apache related]===============
33292 Verified   apache_get_modules() crashes
35940 Open       virtual() and header('Location:') crashes
===============================================[Apache2 related]==============
32220 Assigned   [PATCH] thread_resources for thread not getting freed when 
apache kills thread
36328 Feedback   Random vhosts and .htaccess configuration leaks
36335 Feedback   Apache.exe error Memory could not be read
===============================================[Arrays related]===============
34834 Verified   array_merge_recursive() merges arrays with objects with arrays
35163 Assigned   Array elements can lose references.
===============================================[Bzip2 Related]================
29521 Assigned   compress.bzip2 wrapper
===============================================[CGI related]==================
28227 Assigned   PHP CGI depends upon non-standard SCRIPT_FILENAME
31892 Verified   PHP_SELF incorrect without cgi.fix_pathinfo, but turning on 
screws up PATH_INFO
36091 Open       getopt() returns false on every call
===============================================[Class/Object related]=========
34019 Assigned   Implementing interface with a __construct method strange 
36337 Assigned   ReflectionProperty fails to return correct visibility
36357 Assigned   $tmp =& $this; is allowed!
===============================================[COM related]==================
31327 Assigned   chinese char and word problem
32099 Assigned   After opening ADO connection and closing it repeatedly, Apache 
stops service
33188 Assigned   Cannot instantiate a DOTNET object
33386 Assigned   ScriptControl only sees last function of class
33734 Assigned   Something strange with COM Object
33912 Assigned   Crash when trying to access registry using com
34253 Assigned   COM binary object/array issue (question marks?)
34297 Assigned   get_object_vars on COM object produces Apache error
34440 Assigned   COM Error confuse with [] ()
34564 Assigned   reference (in/out) parameters don't work
35872 Assigned   CLI errors upon exit if class is left on IE
35875 Assigned   IE event failure upon scheduling script
36360 Open       PHP crashes when accessing an object that was just create by 
parent object
===============================================[cURL related]=================
33770 Open       https:// or ftps:// do not work when --with-curlwrappers is 
34180 Assigned   --with-curlwrappers causes PHP to disregard some HTTP stream 
context options
===============================================[Date/time related]============
36266 Assigned   strtotime behavior change
===============================================[dBase related]================
33285 Verified   dbase functions return garbage on certain file
35240 Verified   dbase module does not handle float field definitions
===============================================[Directory function related]===
35691 Assigned   Can't change to another drive letter using chdir()
36365 Feedback   scandir duplicates file name at every 65535th file
===============================================[Documentation problem]========
35261 Open       php_admin_value does not lock include_path
35432 Open       make fails with PDO and MySQL5
35634 Open       Erroneous "Class declarations may not be nested" error raised.
35827 Open       stream_context_set_params
35936 Open       ini.zlib.output-compression Documentation
36018 Open       variable variable reference to superglobal only works after 
non-variable ref
36061 Open       Escape {$var} not working
36109 Open       socket_sendto throws error
===============================================[Feature/Change Request]=======
15208 Open       .phps file additional feature
20263 Open       CURL: feof doesn't work with --with-curlwrappers
20656 Open       Feature Request: mysql_fetch_object as user defined class
22123 Open       gzdecode() in zlib extension
22494 Open       Additional functions needed for namespaces
22554 Open       Show Source Anchors
22587 Open       extension_path feature
23022 Open       Supported dereferencing array indeces on arbitrary expressions
23158 Open       a new digit checker
23575 Open       Typo on registerfunction function will kill apache
24087 Open       Make temporary_directory available in userland
24348 Open       extension functions can't return by reference
24350 Assigned   overloading mysqli-query-objects
24493 Open       ./configure to check if --with-mssql and 
--with-sybase/--with-sybase_ct is set
24732 Open       cannot read array elements recived via $_REQUEST
25122 Open       Control over typecasting objects to strings
25265 Open       A new API call to return actual HTTP content-length accurately 
is needed.
25810 Open       need dmalloc path variable
26099 Open       session is not available in __destruct()
26658 Open       Request: Persistent FTP Connections
26689 Open       Input Filter is not implemented for RFC1867 filenames
26739 Open       __call() doesn't work for static methods
26859 Open       some_func()['some_key'] and ((object) some_func)->some_prop  
26933 Open       Function return object
26934 Open       error logging should log url for each page
27022 Open       Class constant has no visibility modificator
27150 Open       2 feature requests, directly accessing returned arrays, and 
statics by reference
27152 Open       fam_next_event() doesn't return the corresponding request
27251 Open       Sharing variables, functions and objects between 2 running 
27289 Open       Change application/x-httpd-php in php5
27316 Open       Automatically add PHP directory to PATH
27418 Open       SimpleXML Object forgetting values.
27450 Suspended  Client IP FTP
27558 Open       [apache hooks] Location HTTP header failure
27591 Open       JPEG 2000 IPTC not found by GetImageSize + iptcparse
27785 Open       Change __sleep to always work on copy of object instead of 
27814 Assigned   Multiple small packets send for HTTP request
27897 Open       static memebers overloading
27926 Open       No access-modified constants
28051 Suspended  gzip accept-encoding for HTTP request
28156 Suspended  E_WARN instead E_ERROR when doing  $a = 'asdf'; echo 
28165 Suspended  Missing implicit object to integer conversion
28176 Suspended  isset() returns false for properties returned from __get()
28269 Open       Incomplete error message when instantiating child classes of 
an abstract class
28331 Open       Fatal Errors
28479 Open       Custom URL rewriting API in PHP (for url_scanner)
28609 Open       property schemaTypeInfo in DomElement doesn't return anything
28714 Open       Type hint error completely useless
28793 Assigned   php.ini settings should be able to read other php.ini settings
28835 Open       cannot call overloaded methods via parent::method() or 
29070 Open       __get/__set should allow recursive calls
29085 Open       bad default include_path on Windows
29243 Open       SimpleXML: add nodeName and localName
29248 Open       FTP does not work on glFTPD + TLS
29280 Assigned   changing the default http-wrapper
29337 Assigned   dns_get_record() unavailable on *BSD
29351 Suspended  New feature : scp
29482 Open       imagecreatefrompng() throws fatal error (no warning) when 
opening broken images
29495 Suspended  New DOM and XSL classes should throw exceptions.
29497 Open       xsltprocessor->setParameter() to accept an array
29509 Open       get_class_vars() returns unusable information
29574 Open       [PATCH] FastCgi server can't be used with unix domain sockets
29714 Open       getopt does not reset
29722 Open       Error log newlines style
29736 Open       instanceof requires class to be loaded
29846 Open       Function to close the output stream
29930 Open       Type hint error message should reveal both class names
29973 Assigned   Comparing COM object variable with NULL throws an exception
30111 Open       Move some DOMDocument properties to static
30139 Open       Link phpinfo() modules to manual
30155 Open       make the header files ISO C99 and ISO C++ compatible
30177 Open       Change for const
30211 Open       Method argument type-mismatch returns error with method's 
30305 Open       array_splice() discards keys of incoming array (needs 
'preserve_keys' parameter)
30324 Open       serialize() should work on internal classes
30327 Open       --with-config-file-path option name, phpinfo() output mislead 
30498 Assigned   SOAP: Persistent Connection Handling, Talking to SOAP::Lite
30541 Open       $php_errormsg isn't set when an error occured in a function 
called by eval()
30583 Open       echo and print not filtered when stream filter installed on 
30622 Suspended  XSLT: xsltProcessor->setParameter() cannot set namespace URI
30661 Open       user ID and password for mail access
30701 Open       RFE: Option to disable implicit conversion of integers to 
30716 Open       Dynamic Static Member Access
30793 Assigned   Abstract functions and default parameter
30814 Open       more detailed feedback from DOMDocument::schemaValidate
30886 Open       Issue E_STRICT errors for deprecated array notation for string 
char access
30916 Open       odbc_fetch_array function only return associative array
30918 Open       Add a "non-local" flag param to realpath
31058 Open       array_change_key_case recursive option
31248 Assigned   SOAP-Client: mapping of overloaded functions fail
31342 Open       SQLite OO interface with Exceptions (patch included)
31376 Open       Function cpdf_fill_stroke() only fills
31424 Open       Make mode optional on mkdir
31499 Open       Support for including multiple files with a single include 
31516 Open       Clear screen or ScreenSize
31563 Open       shebang removal
31564 Open       Secure Password Storage
31592 Open       ext/informix: ifx_getsqlca fails when DB-error occurs
31618 Assigned   is_readable() results based on ownership of calling script, 
not file
31659 Open       array_map to take non-array parameters and pass them to the 
callback function
31690 Open       user specific additions to php.ini
31701 Open       (mis-) use of undeclared attributes
31703 Open       ldap_search against 3rd level sub-domains not returning results
31712 Open       [PATCH]: LDAP SSL Support via Mozilla LDAP C SDK
31766 Open       printf and __toString
31772 Open       [PATCH] Net-SNMP 5.2.x ++ Workaround in PHP_SNMP Incorrectly 
31773 Open       Would Like snmpV2 command set in php_snmp
31784 Assigned   GD: add gdftusefontconfig function in gd module :D
31930 Open       is_callable / __call interaction
32014 Open       Last-Modified is set to PHP file mtime
32059 Open       ranges in switch
32073 Open       Overloading for static methods and properties
32097 Open       Larger search limit for ldap_search
32098 Open       MySQLi object connection status function
32177 Assigned   ReflectionException
32192 Open       preg_grep does not work with arrays containing references to 
32295 Open       include() should be an alias to include_once(); introduce 
32337 Open       Per Directory Values registry not working
32353 Open       SoapServer onServerRequest() 'event'
32362 Open       Some functions to manipulate include_path (or any path list in 
32380 Open       type hinting - error hard to track down
32435 Open       Add '-run' option to php command line (like java -jar)
32505 Open       Type hinting still a useless feature
32523 Open       wrong error message assigning to $this
32524 Open       Advanced imploding
32529 Open       bsprintf?
32550 Open       Support for ~ home directories in paths on linux.
32566 Open       Can PHP5RC be added for PHP5-only?
32603 Open       there is no easy way to check if class implements some 
32643 Assigned   update tidy to reflect library change in tidyLoadConfig()
32701 Open       Safe-mode popen(): escaping problem
32727 Open       Slow serialize on FreeBSD
32734 Open       Support for #line pragma, as in C and Perl
32803 Assigned   GD-Functions update
32842 Open       Constants cannot have visibility modifiers
32951 Open       Need to specify php.ini path to ISAPI .dll
32965 Open       preg_split PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE
32977 Open       Alternative pg_query_params returning query
33066 Open       Add GD Image Function gdImageOpenPolygon()
33068 Open       Function declarations outside class struct
33087 Open       properties
33126 Open       foreach array pointer behavour is inconsistent on variables 
vs. references
33147 Open       proc_open(): "pty pseudo terminal not supported on this system"
33149 Open       function inet_pton unavailable
33186 Open       --enable-all=shared
33221 Open       sybase-ct: Varchar >255 not supported
33259 Open       & Integer Matching
33282 Open       Reference is killed by unset but not by other =&
33347 Open       Function overloading type hinting inconsistencies
33350 Open       php can't handle utf-8 in path names
33353 Open       update 'const' to allow a calculated value, like define()
33400 Open       make "make" a dendency of "make test"
33419 Open       Strings as input for php_strip_whitespace()
33444 Open       resterict access on constants
33445 Assigned   strftime's arguments are system dependent
33447 Open       mixed array_reduce starting value
33502 Open       output_reset_rewrite_vars doesnt check the number of parameters
33505 Open       proc_terminate does not really kill terminate the process
33506 Open       iconv_substr_count
33604 Open       MYSQL: php.ini option to set character_set and allow using UTF8
33623 Open       History buffer in gzinflate
33650 Open       base64_encode alternate dictionary (RFC 3548)
33653 Open       ini_set('zlib.output_compression', true) does not compress 
33656 Open       Let PDO::query and PDO::exec accept $input_parameters
33664 Open       Console window appears when using exec()
33698 Suspended  Conflicts with multiple interfaces sharing common method names
33728 Open       Allow to include files in php.ini
33748 Open       htmlentities('ź',ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8')) returns 'ƒ'
33767 Open       array_filter: support for additional callback arguments
33797 Open       Multiple connections
33850 Open       [PATCH]: Support LDAP connection timeouts
33879 Open       $string["otherstring"] = something | should produce a warning
33891 Open       make array a traversable
33893 Open       $_SERVER['STARTUP_MICRO_TIME']
33894 Open       __MAIN_FILE__ constant
33895 Open       Constants introduced in 4.0.2 not defined
33933 Open       64bit signed integer support
33951 Open       ext/dom: warning with urlencoded() information, that should be 
34017 Open       CLI php.exe should allow HTML with phpinfo()
34023 Open       [Patch] tidy extension misses getParent
34044 Open       Support for friend classes
34054 Open       pdo_mysql driver prepares all queries
34058 Open       get_headers() retrieve a particular respons
34061 Open       Restructure array functions for PHP6
34094 Open       COM hook into PHP class requires class var
34121 Assigned   Add DFA support to preg_match() function
34179 Open       want 1.0/0.0 == INF as an option
34194 Open       Real properties in PHP classes
34210 Open       Feature to run function inline within the local scope
34217 Open       Requesting array_unique() function that works with 
multi-dimensional arrays.
34274 Open       parse_ini_file does not recognize ${key}
34291 Open       reference comparison: $a isIdenticalTo $b
34295 Open       configure --sysconfdir should be evaluated
34303 Open       Just the request of a little improvement in ini_get
34360 Open       array_push with the new key as return value
34380 Open       need stream equivalent to socket_last_error
34381 Open       nl2br() should have an option for XHTML/HTML compatible BR 
34392 Open       Similiar to __isset, we need an __ismethod for __call overload
34401 Open       $_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_DIGEST"] assoc array instead of string
34421 Open       get_class and debug_backtrace report wrong class for inherited 
static methods
34470 Open       Open With shows no distinction tween php and php-win
34502 Open       method chaining on constructor causes parse error
34506 Open       would like an array_key_value_pop function
34517 Open       Linux PAM authentication
34526 Open       array-related operation to "reduce" contained items
34570 Open       Implement some sort of setproctitle() in cli version
34577 Open       get_html_translation_table is missing a lot of xHTML entities
34609 Open       php-imap does not support NTLM authentication method
34621 Open       Functions for CREATING zip archives (for OASIS OpenDocument 
34622 Open       Add image functions to support editing/creating "comments"
34663 Open       Patch to get around apache not expanding %0 when passed 
open_basedir in vhost
34666 Open       print and echo do not apply filters on STDOUT
34714 Open       set Default Fetch Mode in PDO class
34793 Open       php-cli searches php.ini from current dir which can be abused
34797 Open       strtotime() and strtointerval()
34804 Open       More information about class methods
34825 Open       Flash version in getimagesize
34835 Open       levenshtein with 3 parameters does not work as expected
34839 Open       SimpleXMLElement too closed
34848 Open       Behaviour of array brackets with strings
34857 Open       Change array_combine behavoiur
34895 Open       headers_list functionality regression
34906 Assigned   mysql: no way to get errno for a failed secondary connection 
34909 Open       Defaut FetchMode for PDOStatements in PDO class
34910 Open       ext/snmp: snmp does not parse OID with invalid string index
34932 Open       Quarter as parameter in the Date function
34945 Open       exec(): Problem with quotes in commandline
34948 Open       [MYSQLI] mysqli_statement and binding array
35012 Open       echo, print ... reverse compiling php scripts
35025 Open       new function: sgn()
35064 Open       Adding an optional $directorySeparator parameter to realpath()
35094 Open       Thread support for CLI
35113 Assigned   Please update the GD bundled extension to 2.0.33
35119 Open       PHP failed to open files in folders with non-english utf8 chars
35175 Open       Not all function names are changed to documentation links in 
error messages
35250 Open       string variable expansion on demand
35269 Open       Error handling: @ operator behavior / __autoload()  and 
35276 Open       exploding_wordwrap
35289 Open       Win32 symlink unimplemented - could be easily
35313 Open       Missing argument for function line number export
35326 Open       Concurrency issue with recursive mkdir
35339 Open       COM "As" behaviour
35380 Open       Provide information about the current temporary directory
35397 Open       php-5.1.0-installer.exe fails without a valid C:
35398 Open       php's exec() requires a shell
35482 Assigned   Bad performance of filesystem functions on Windows XP 
35510 Open       [PATCH] ext/gmp: gmp_nextprime()
35512 Open       Lack of read permission on main script results in E_WARNING
35547 Open       Audio file compression
35580 Open       Adding SAX handlers to XSLTProcessor
35703 Open       when session_name("123") consist only digits, should warning
35726 Open       Upgrade ntwdblib.dll to SQL2000SP4 / SQL2005 version
35745 Open       Status of persistent socket connections in stream_get_meta_data
35746 Open       Comparison of scalars & non-scalars w/o typecast should 
generate an error
35783 Open       Using GetImageSize with ICO files and the 
image/ mime type
35799 Open       Add getopt to Windows Platform
35800 Open       pg_query_params fails to escape NULL in bytea fields
35855 Open       Patch to Build PHP_SNMP with NET-SNMP Support
35879 Open       Low performance for fpassthru()
35894 Open       php-imap doesn't trap USR2 when mailbox is locked
35909 Open       Include $this in errcontext for custom error handlers
35950 Open       Integer conversion and hex values
35963 Open       first call to set_error_handler returns same value on success 
and error
36000 Open       add date parameter to imap_append() function
36024 Suspended  Problem with unicode escape sequences in binary data
36031 Open       considere using dl function instead of dyld fonctions
36045 Open       Nested quotes are ignored by parse_ini_file
36066 Open       Allowing member variables in interfaces
36070 Open       foreach strange behaviour
36146 Open       Language syntax: using arrays returned from functions inline.
36155 Open       SoapServer: Possibility to have ONE function that handles all 
Soap requests
36156 Open       API to Saxon for XSLT 2.0 support
36157 Open       Introduce new PDO attribute to automatically close old 
36160 Open       include/require ../ relative to current script
36170 Open       parse_ini_file control over constants' substitution
36194 Open       Should support ldap_extended_operation(_s)
36265 Open       Object as default function argument
36274 Open       Incorrect handling of multi-dimensional array increments
36289 Open       Implement SplBinaryFileObject
36310 Open       floor() and ceil() to take precision argument
36344 Open       MSSQL Driver does not support multiple row sets
===============================================[Filesystem function related]==
36327 Feedback   Long Integer
===============================================[GD related]===================
34020 Assigned   ImagePolygon draws broken lines when using Antialiasing
===============================================[HTTP related]=================
34537 Verified   Last-Modified header + Status: 200 results in 200 OK without 
===============================================[ICONV related]================
33997 Assigned   Returned: Bug #16069 - ICONV transliteration failure
===============================================[InterBase related]============
30907 Assigned   ibase_query() crashes when inserting a -1 into a Interbase 
32143 Assigned   ibase_query() causes IB server crash with invalid DB and 
===============================================[Mail related]=================
28038 Open       Sent incorrect RCPT TO commands to SMTP server
===============================================[Math related]=================
36008 Open       incorrect round() & number_format() result
===============================================[mbstring related]=============
36140 Feedback   mb_encode_mimeheader not working properly
===============================================[mSQL related]=================
31979 Assigned   msql_fetch_field() not reporting unique keys
===============================================[MSSQL related]================
34784 Assigned   Changed database context error when SELECT > 33 columns
===============================================[MySQL related]================
35848 Assigned   Failing when including --with-mysql
36144 Assigned   only one row when using persistent connections and unbuffered 
36228 Assigned   Loosing connection to db while executing 2 Multi-Statements 
requests with PDO
===============================================[OCI8 related]=================
30804 Assigned   multiple returned lob resource being overwritten
34005 Assigned   ocipasswordchange() fails
35973 Assigned   Error ORA-24806 occur when trying to fetch a NCLOB field
36139 Feedback   Problem with oci_parse()
36250 Open       PHP Causes ORA-07445 Core dump in Oracle server 9.2.x
36321 Feedback   Crash in $this->toto=ressource_id
===============================================[ODBC related]=================
20298 Verified   [PATCH] odbc.check_persistent not working
36324 Open       php does not return data consistently
===============================================[OpenSSL related]==============
28382 Assigned   the openssl_x509_parse function does not extract the 
certificate extensions
34261 Assigned   openssl_pkcs7_verify returns FALSE for msg that is correct
===============================================[PDO related]==================
35386 Assigned   first row is null
35552 Assigned   access violation on any invalid odbc query
35604 Assigned   PDO crash
35607 Assigned   Crash with Update command
35671 Assigned   Named parameters not working in PDO_ODBC
35793 Assigned   General error: 2050
35830 Assigned   Type mismatch with bind variables
35837 Assigned   Crash when using PDO::FETCH_LAZY
35910 Assigned   Crash possibly related to Class, PDO, or combination.  Seems 
like memory error
35919 Assigned   Bad substitution with PDO::prepare
35935 Assigned   MySQL stored procedure doesn't return value when using 
35981 Assigned   pdo-pgsql shouldn't use pkg-config when it is not present
36128 Assigned   Interbase PDO
36143 Assigned   bindParam on UPDATE error
36318 Assigned   Core Dump when using bindParam with PDO_OCI
36342 Assigned   missing values on recordset with a very simple request
36345 Assigned   Problem loading BLOB over 1MB
36347 Assigned   PDO::exec() fails if the query returns results
===============================================[Performance problem]==========
36166 Open       perfomance loss since php version 5.0.5
===============================================[PostgreSQL related]===========
34920 Assigned   pg_update() fails
===============================================[Program Execution]============
33909 Assigned   fread of a pipe hang after opening a pipe with a < entry
34794 Assigned   proc_close() hangs when used with two processes
===============================================[Reproducible crash]===========
36352 Feedback   writing to max sized file "crashes" php/apache
36363 Feedback   php gets segv in _php_stream_read/memcpy
36375 Open       Pear-Installation Segmentation fault
===============================================[Safe Mode/open_basedir]=======
29840 Assigned   [PATCH] is_executable() does not honor safe_mode_exec_dir 
32503 Open       fopen() in cwd: filename must start with ./ under safe mode
===============================================[Scripting Engine problem]=====
27833 Assigned   Concatenating overloaded objects fails
31749 Assigned   deadlock due to libc mutexes not released when timeout signal 
is delivered
33586 Assigned   Serialization breaks references
34552 Open       Problems with __FILE__ and realpath()
34998 Assigned   zend.ze1_compatibility_mode doesn't implict clone when passed 
in array
35106 Assigned   nested foreach fails when array variable has a reference
35988 Assigned   Unknown persistent list entry type in module shutdown
36205 Assigned   Memory leaks with 5.1.2
===============================================[Semaphore related]============
33011 Assigned   [PATCH] shmop: can still open segment for reading after 
===============================================[Session related]==============
31323 Open       session file permissions differ randomly
===============================================[SimpleXML related]============
35785 Assigned   SimpleXML causes memory read error zend engine
===============================================[SNMP related]=================
36196 Open       SNMP_VALUE_PLAIN appears not to be working
===============================================[SOAP related]=================
34657 Assigned   If you get a communication problem when loading the WSDL, it 
===============================================[Sockets related]==============
21197 Assigned   [PATCH] socket_read() outputs error with PHP_NORMAL_READ
36354 Open       Available data is not fread()
===============================================[Streams related]==============
30157 Assigned   ftell() function does not use stream_tell()
32979 Assigned   socket stream opened with stream_socket_client doesnt work 
with stream_select
34972 Assigned   STDIN won't allow nonblocking.
35105 Assigned   stream_set_timeout() has no effect on SSL stream
35131 Assigned   stream_select() in conjuntion with popen() does not appear to 
35533 Assigned   stream_socket_sendto() does not work with Unix sockets
35849 Assigned   [PATCH] stream_copy_to_stream() do strange behavior
35886 Assigned   file_get_contents() fails with some combinations of offset & 
36030 Assigned   stream_set_timeout() does not work for php://stdin
36320 Suspended  Custom dir_readdir() causes readdir() to crash when returns 
===============================================[Sybase-ct (ctlib) related]====
35945 Open       sybase_query() fails on AMD64
===============================================[XML related]==================
35647 Open       tidy does not produce valid utf8 when the encoding is 
specified in the config
===============================================[XMLRPC-EPI related]===========
27446 Verified   system.multiCall does not work

Assigned bugs: (reminders sent)
dmitry          32220: [PATCH] thread_resources for thread not getting freed 
when apache kills thread
dmitry          35163: Array elements can lose references.
dmitry          36357: $tmp =& $this; is allowed!
dmitry          30498: SOAP: Persistent Connection Handling, Talking to 
dmitry          31248: SOAP-Client: mapping of overloaded functions fail
dmitry          31749: deadlock due to libc mutexes not released when timeout 
signal is delivered
dmitry          33586: Serialization breaks references
dmitry          34998: zend.ze1_compatibility_mode doesn't implict clone when 
passed in array
dmitry          35106: nested foreach fails when array variable has a reference
dmitry          35988: Unknown persistent list entry type in module shutdown
dmitry          36205: Memory leaks with 5.1.2
dmitry          34657: If you get a communication problem when loading the 
WSDL, it fatal's
iliaa           29521: compress.bzip2 wrapper
iliaa           36337: ReflectionProperty fails to return correct visibility
iliaa           33011: [PATCH] shmop: can still open segment for reading after 
iliaa           21197: [PATCH] socket_read() outputs error with PHP_NORMAL_READ
fmk             28227: PHP CGI depends upon non-standard SCRIPT_FILENAME
fmk             34784: Changed database context error when SELECT > 33 columns
helly           34019: Implementing interface with a __construct method strange 
helly           34920: pg_update() fails
helly           27833: Concatenating overloaded objects fails
helly           35785: SimpleXML causes memory read error zend engine
wez             31327: chinese char and word problem
wez             32099: After opening ADO connection and closing it repeatedly, 
Apache stops service
wez             33188: Cannot instantiate a DOTNET object
wez             33386: ScriptControl only sees last function of class
wez             33734: Something strange with COM Object
wez             33912: Crash when trying to access registry using com
wez             34253: COM binary object/array issue (question marks?)
wez             34297: get_object_vars on COM object produces Apache error
wez             34440: COM Error confuse with [] ()
wez             34564: reference (in/out) parameters don't work
wez             35872: CLI errors upon exit if class is left on IE
wez             35875: IE event failure upon scheduling script
wez             27814: Multiple small packets send for HTTP request
wez             29973: Comparing COM object variable with NULL throws an 
wez             35482: Bad performance of filesystem functions on Windows XP 
wez             36228: Loosing connection to db while executing 2 
Multi-Statements requests with PDO
wez             28382: the openssl_x509_parse function does not extract the 
certificate extensions
wez             34261: openssl_pkcs7_verify returns FALSE for msg that is 
wez             35386: first row is null
wez             35552: access violation on any invalid odbc query
wez             35604: PDO crash
wez             35607: Crash with Update command
wez             35671: Named parameters not working in PDO_ODBC
wez             35830: Type mismatch with bind variables
wez             35837: Crash when using PDO::FETCH_LAZY
wez             35910: Crash possibly related to Class, PDO, or combination.  
Seems like memory error
wez             35919: Bad substitution with PDO::prepare
wez             35935: MySQL stored procedure doesn't return value when using 
wez             35981: pdo-pgsql shouldn't use pkg-config when it is not present
wez             36128: Interbase PDO
wez             36143: bindParam on UPDATE error
wez             36318: Core Dump when using bindParam with PDO_OCI
wez             36342: missing values on recordset with a very simple request
wez             33909: fread of a pipe hang after opening a pipe with a < entry
wez             34794: proc_close() hangs when used with two processes
wez             32979: socket stream opened with stream_socket_client doesnt 
work with stream_select
wez             34972: STDIN won't allow nonblocking.
wez             35105: stream_set_timeout() has no effect on SSL stream
wez             35131: stream_select() in conjuntion with popen() does not 
appear to work
wez             35849: [PATCH] stream_copy_to_stream() do strange behavior
wez             35886: file_get_contents() fails with some combinations of 
offset & maxlen
wez             36030: stream_set_timeout() does not work for php://stdin
pollita         34180: --with-curlwrappers causes PHP to disregard some HTTP 
stream context options
pollita         29280: changing the default http-wrapper
pollita         29337: dns_get_record() unavailable on *BSD
pollita         30157: ftell() function does not use stream_tell()
pollita         35533: stream_socket_sendto() does not work with Unix sockets
derick          36266: strtotime behavior change
derick          33445: strftime's arguments are system dependent
derick          33997: Returned: Bug #16069 - ICONV transliteration failure
nlopess         35691: Can't change to another drive letter using chdir()
georg           24350: overloading mysqli-query-objects
georg           34906: mysql: no way to get errno for a failed secondary 
connection attempt
andrei          28793: php.ini settings should be able to read other php.ini 
andrei          34121: Add DFA support to preg_match() function
andi            30793: Abstract functions and default parameter
tony2001                31618: is_readable() results based on ownership of 
calling script, not file
tony2001                30804: multiple returned lob resource being overwritten
tony2001                34005: ocipasswordchange() fails
tony2001                35973: Error ORA-24806 occur when trying to fetch a 
NCLOB field
tony2001                29840: [PATCH] is_executable() does not honor 
safe_mode_exec_dir setting
pajoye          31784: GD: add gdftusefontconfig function in gd module :D
pajoye          32803: GD-Functions update
pajoye          35113: Please update the GD bundled extension to 2.0.33
pajoye          34020: ImagePolygon draws broken lines when using Antialiasing
johannes                32177: ReflectionException
john            32643: update tidy to reflect library change in tidyLoadConfig()
abies           30907: ibase_query() crashes when inserting a -1 into a 
Interbase TIMESTAMP field
abies           32143: ibase_query() causes IB server crash with invalid DB and 
zeev            31979: msql_fetch_field() not reporting unique keys
andrey          35848: Failing when including --with-mysql
andrey          36144: only one row when using persistent connections and 
unbuffered queries
Wez             35793: General error: 2050
george          36345: Problem loading BLOB over 1MB
george          36347: PDO::exec() fails if the query returns results

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