
Just got home from a month in South America and is trying to catch up
on old posts...

On Sat, 18 Feb 2006 17:02:32 -0800, in php.internals [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(Andi Gutmans) wrote:

>I'm nuking safe_mode and I found something odd. In streams, 
>php_plain_files_unlink() only checks php_check_open_basedir() when 
>ENFORCE_SAFE_MODE is flagged. I was planning on nuking 
>ENFORCE_SAFE_MODE completely. Is this a bug? Or should I rename 

Rasmus mentions in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> /
http://news.php.net/php.internals/20417 that it might be a good idea
unwrapping the safe_mode_exec_dir check from the uid matching.

The trouble about "safe mode" seems mainly to be the expression (based
on the notes in
http://www.php.net/~derick/meeting-notes.html#safe-mode ) and the
spurious UID checks.

In the same old thread it didn't seem like there was a consensus or
best practice regarding the exec functions. Some recommended using
disabled_functions, but this would just be asking people to "remake"
and maintain their own list of functions that safe_mode (under any
other name) would have disabled for them.

Would the feature of safe_mode_exec_dir in any kind of name be
preserved, as recommended by Rasmus? This might be the exact time to
"remind us later".

- Peter Brodersen

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