Jason Garber wrote:

> Hello internals,
>   Since nobody could seem to agree on a language construct for
>   accessing a variable that you don't know exists (ifsetor),
>   I would like to propose a simpler approach.
>   It returns the value of the passed variable, or NULL if the variable
>   does not exist.
>   ifset($some_array['some-key-you-are-not-sure-exists']);
IMHO, this wouldn't solve the problem. The problem is that we need default
values, not NULL. Sometimes you may want NULL sometimes you may not.

>   This E_STRICT ternary pain-in-the-ass expression is constantly at
>   the top of every PHP script I write:
>   $ConfirmCode = (isset($_GET['ConfirmCode']) ? $_GET['ConfirmCode'] :
>   '');
I agree that this is really a PITA, but until we get an operator for this,
we should stuck on the ternary.

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