Hi Marcus

 that's nothing more than our manual besides a different layout. I'd
like to document how studd is being integrated, how stuff works together
and how inheritance trees look like. You saw the gtk tree, wow, cool if
there is only one real tree like inheritance graph. But unfortunatley
SPL has a great amount of interfaces floating around. Intrgrating that
and hving all that information revealed is a great problem. I use the
docu myself so maybe i am looking from another level but i am not
willing to give that level away. I'd rather change the toolset, only the
toolchain i can change is doxygen.

Yep, we're about to hit similar issues over documenting interfaces in PHP-GTK... at present they're more or less treated as classes. I really don't want to throw away the entire php-gtk-doc structure just to deal with those though :) and I'd imagine nobody wants to throw out the otherwise solid phpdoc structure either.

I have to say also that I don't find doxygen-generated documentation intuitive. It's more useful if you already know about something and need to look up some detail than it is if you're trying to learn how that thing works in the first place.

- Steph
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