On Tue, 18 Jul 2006, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

> I think we need to rename it.  php_date or _date or something.  I don't really
> care what the name is, but I think we are too late in the game to get the
> 'date' identifier.

I think this might be one of the bigger mistakes that we can do now. And 
I would say that it is PHP's right to use names without prefixes. If we 
are adding a prefix now than these two new classes will have "silly" 
'Php' prefixes and the rest not; even more inconsistency. I do 
understand that this might break some scripts, but so can we say for all 
other classes that were added to the PHP core (some of the SPL classes 
f.e., and some of the Soap ones as well). 

This might also be something that might pop up more in the future so I 
think we should figure that out first what we want, and then see if we 
want to change the Date and Timezone classes. But I want that we 
brainstorm about some good names (I don't like either php_ as prefix), 
so that we can come up with good alternatives *if required*.


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