Hello Lukas,

  in a dreamworld everyone would prefix all obvious/easy names as they
are by their nature likely to cause clashes.
[Marcus falling a sleep and hitting the send key]

best regards

Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 4:31:11 PM, you wrote:

> Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
>> I think we need to rename it.  php_date or _date or something.  I don't 
>> really care what the name is, but I think we are too late in the game to 
>> get the 'date' identifier.  The other functions enabled are fine and 
>> quite necessary actually.  Both timezone_abbreviations_list() and 
>> timezone_identifiers_list() are quite useful.

> This is a very key decision to make as we add new OO features, and other 
> abstract types. Does PHP reserve a right to claim obvious identifiers or 
> should PHP require from itself to namespace things like this with a 
> prefix (php_)?

> Regardless what decision we make I think its high time that we document 
> what approach we want to take. A while ago I proposed such a standard 
> [1], but it obviously requires a decision from internals to be of any 
> merit. In the proposed document I gave PHP the right to claim whatever 
> identifiers it chooses, therefore pushing up the responsibility of 
> prefixing identifiers to end users (including PEAR).

> regards,
> Lukas

> [1] http://oss.backendmedia.com/UserlandNamingGuide

Best regards,

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