On Fri, August 11, 2006 5:24 pm, Zeev Suraski wrote:
> At 22:15 11/08/2006, Richard Lynch wrote:
>>On Fri, August 11, 2006 4:30 am, Zeev Suraski wrote:
>> > The solution I propose is to create internal functions that will
>> set
>> > 'virtual' filenames and line ranges, that will be saved in some
>> sort
>> > of a translation table, of real filename + line range to virtual
>> > filename + lineno.  The error callback can be made smarter to
>> search
>> > in the translation table, and in case of a match, report the
>> virtual
>> > filename:linenumber in addition to the real ones.
>>This would be a lot more appealing if it also always referenced the
>>original filename and line number as well:
> That's what I said! :)
> "report the virtual filename:linenumber -=>in addition<=- to the real
> ones"

I apologize for missing that in your proposal.

I therefore hope it has now been sufficiently highlighted as the
brilliant inclusion that it is, for anybody else who has missed it.

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