On 27-Nov-06, at 3:24 PM, Ron Korving wrote:
gmtime: (use gmtime_r)

ext/interbase/ibase_query.c on line 679


ext/pdo_sqlite/sqlite/src/date.c on line 948 (external code library)

This code cannot be reached since we compile libsqlite with date functions.

sapi/thttpd_patch on lines 282, 1355, 2298

External application patch, can't be helped.

ctime: (use ctime_r)

ext/mime_magic/mime_magic.c on line 1759


localtime: (use localtime_r)

ext/com_dotnet/com_variant.c on line 818

Win32 only code and there localtime is already thread-safe.

ext/pdo_sqlite/sqlite/src/date.c on line 415 (external code library)
ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/date.c on line 419 (external code library)
ext/xmlrpc/libxmlrpc/xmlrpc.c on line 234 (external code library)
ext/zip/lib/zip_dirent.c on lines 398, 525 (external code library)

Fixed. You may want to report the sqlite issues to sqlite devs so that they can apply a fix in their code base as well.

sapi/thttpd_patch on line 2300 (external code library)

External application patch, can't be helped.

crypt: (use crypt_r)

ext/standard/crypt.c on line 149


rand: (use rand_r)

ext/mcrypt/mcrypt.c on line 1042
ext/soap/php_http.c on line 467


ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/encode.c on lines 204, 213 (external code library)

This code cannot be reached.

readdir: (use readdir_r)

ext/pcre/pcrelib/pcregrep.c on line 261

This code cannot be reached.

main/streams/php_scandir.c on line 74


Ilia Alshanetsky

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