
That is way too much information to include into an e-mail header, this
would in fact be information disclosure vulnerability in many eyes. The
log file that you can enable provides you with the full path to the
script that called mail, which is more then enough to identify the
offending script and/or application.

In case someone would use a library installed on the server were the
mail() call e.g. in /usr/lib/PEAR/lib/php/Mail/Transport/PHP_Mail.php
(just an example) would this really help identifying the cause of the
problem? No Domain, no URL, I think it would be hard to determine who
used it.

True. Maybe adding both the main-script-name and the name of the script that contains the mail() call might be a good idea. Another solution would be to apply encryption to the information. Then you could put much more information in the extra header without disclosing anything. You could even put all this in:
- Timestamp
- Server hostname
- IP address of the client invoking the script
- Requesting URL, including query string
- Full path+filename of the main script
- Full path+filename of the script that calls mail()
- etc

Put all this is a nice text, encrypt it (i.e. 3DES, or even RSA/DSA), base64 encode it, and add it in a header. The header might be a little big, but I don't think that will be a big problem for those who want to use it.

A small example:

Put the following information in the extra header:

http://www.computel.nl/stuff/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Encrypt this with 3des, using password 'something'. (the password could be configured in php.ini, or per virtual host):


This can be put directly into a header in the message. The total extra message size would be about 300 bytes. That should be no problem at all. I have seen bigger received: headers in a message.

I think this would help a system admin a lot when trying to figure out where all those annoying messages are coming from. What do the rest of you think about this?


PS: If you need help implementing it, let me know!

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