It's better than having to deal with sql at a lower level, while not as good as proper training. Which is more likely we will see happening? I really doubt it's the latter.

Should PHP babysit the programmer to ensure he dosen't screw up? Not really, IMO. There's good docs available, but what beginners want is a quick glance at the manual resulting in a quick hack - and eventually that's what they end up doing over time, because that's what works for them and does their job.

What might help is pushing (via the manual) for the adoption of tools that prevent common problems, with pdo's prepared statements being one such tool.


Brian Moon wrote:
Mathieu CARBONNEAUX wrote:
but i think some good security idea have been said, for exemple using "prepare statement" to avoid sql injection...

We really need to stop spreading this myth that prepared statements are a security measure. Prepared statements only allow passing of the value parts of where clauses and a couple of other parts of the query. Limit values would be the most common thing in a query that use variables but are the not allowed to be prepared. I have also seen plenty of applications that use variables for the table names, field names, order by, and other parts. Prepared statements help with none of those. Prepared statements protect very little against sql injection. Making people believe otherwise is dangerous.

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