Hi Thomas,

I think Marcus gave you all the right pointers.
I just wanted to let you know that I have a pending patch for DH kex
and some bignum functions, and that Pierre mentioned that he's been
working on a few other bits recently.
If you think that we'll be overlapping, we can try harder to either
get stuff committed, or pass it on to you.

I wrote a lot of more recent code in that extension, so if you have
questions about it, feel free to ask.  I have to warn you that I get
quite busy and don't tend to check this gmail account when that
happens; you'll have better results emailing me on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Welcome :)


On 1/10/07, Thomas J. Hruska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I want to access some of the more obscure OpenSSL functions (about 20)
from PHP and would like to contribute what I need access to from OpenSSL
in PHP back to the community.

To that end, I've downloaded the source code for PHP 5.2.0 and started
looking at the C source for the OpenSSL portion to how the functions are
implemented.  My dev platform is Windows and VS.NET 2003 (armed, of
course, with Visual Assist X).

Since this is my first contribution to any open source project (source
code-wise), I will probably need some hand holding (e.g. help with CVS
stuff, first build in my preferred dev environment (VC++ GUI), and
properly using 'diff'/'patch' when I'm done).  However, I am an expert
C/C++ programmer, so there's not much to worry about there - but I do
need to know where the official documentation is for functions like
zend_parse_parameters() and what in the world TSRMLS_CC is (a macro,
obviously, but what it is good for and its historical significance is
usually lost in documentation).

I think that's all I need to know.  The rest I can handle on my own.
And web links to the right portions of the manual (i.e. RTMs) are fine -
I know how to read once I get the right page.  Finding the page is the
tricky part.

(And I'm willing to document undocumented functions as I go along too).

Thomas Hruska
CubicleSoft President
Ph: 517-803-4197


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