
I'm an interested student with a project idea for the PHP.net Google
Summer of Code.

I'm thinking about a native ( compiled from C ) ORM extension for PHP. I
don't need to explain how useful and important it is in modern web
applications / frameworks.

My goal is a native php extension that
 - is efficient / high performance (thanks to good application design
and native code)
 - has a really good API (thanks to PHP5's extensible object modell)
 - works with all major DBMSs (by using PDO)
 - is flexible, so with thin wrapper classes it could be a drop-in
replacement for any framework's ORM module.

The concept is object persistence (somewhat similar to Hibernate for
Java). I think object persistence is the most simple, clean and usable
ORM concept, however it is the hardest to implement especially in pure
PHP code (no access to PHP5's internal object modell).

So what do you think? Is it a good project for SoC?

About me: I'm 19 year old, a student at the Budapest University of
Technology and Economics on the IT department ... and as you have
already discovered, not a native English speaker.

Adam Banko

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