> Hello!
> I am trying to understand how PHP6 handling of unicode works, I think I am
> missing something.
> My config is:
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ; Unicode settings ;
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> unicode.semantics = on
> unicode.runtime_encoding = iso-8859-1
> unicode.script_encoding = iso-8859-1
> unicode.output_encoding = utf-8
> unicode.from_error_mode = U_INVALID_SUBSTITUTE
> unicode.from_error_subst_char = 3f
> unicode.fallback_encoding = iso-8859-1
> I use a mysql database, with iso-8859-1 (Portuguese - latin 1) text, with
> accented characters.
> What I was trying to understand was, because unicode.runtime_encoding =
> iso-8859-1, I tought that all internal operations were done in this
> encoding, and only when outputting (unicode.output_encoding = utf-8) data
> would be converted to utf-8. So to me, I did a mysql query with latin1,
> data
> comes to my variables as iso-8859-1, I use them, and only when I echo'ed
> them, they would become utf-8, from a iso-8859-1-to-utf-8-like function.
> But when I do query in any record that have accented characters I get this
> warning (using mysql_fetch_assoc):
> ----------
> Could not convert binary string to Unicode string (converter UTF-8 failed
> on
> bytes (0xE7) at offset 9)
> ----------
> for all accented characters in all fields.
> The strange thing to me, is the mysql_fetch_assoc function give this error
> even before I accessed the field values, as I understanded from the above
> explanation.
> If I changed the set names query to:
>   mysql_query('set names utf8', $this->mysql_link);
> then it works, but I would like to understand how this works, to make my
> program the right way from the start.
> Did I misundertood something?

I think you are confusing PHP features with MySQL features. By running
'SET NAMES' query you set client, connection and result character sets in
MySQL (see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/charset.html). It is not
related to PHP. MySQL has internal character set support since 4.1


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