Gregory Beaver wrote:
Phar is not yet perfect, but is also not NEARLY as complex as PDO.
There is no comparison.

The 'comparison' was in the way these packages get added without proper investigation ;) Someone decides that THIS is how it will be done, and that is what happens :( and we have to live with the consequences.

How would I use 'phar' with the four thousand files that make up bitweaver? I have had a quick look, but I don't yet see how I handle all the installation and management options for installing and updating packages that bitweaver has been designed to support. ADOdb and smarty provide the core libraries, and the liberty shell is built on those. Only those packages that are needed are download to the target system. I suspect we would have to build phar files for each package, but currently styles and themes can easily be managed via a few file changes, something that phar would seem to make a lot more difficult. Private tweaks to the libraries provide performance and operational improvements that would not be possible if ADOdb or smarty were supplied 'packed'. But without example phar libraries to look at and pull apart proper investigation is difficult - as people have already said.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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