It's similar to SET NAMES but isn't identical, the SQL statement can't
update the internal character encoding on the client. This causes
mysql_real_escape_string to perform incorrectly and can lead to data
being incorrectly escaped.

This in turn can lead to SQL Injections when you change from a single
byte character set (latin1) which is the default to a multibyte
character set.

In regards to ext/mysql and ext/mysqli, most hosts don't know the
difference and only enable ext/mysql, instead allow users to protect
themselves or deprecate ext/mysql.


Antony Dovgal wrote:
> I believe this should be reverted.
> Adding new functions to ext/mysqli is _completely_ pointless, especially
> taking into account that this function is just an alias for "SET NAMES
> xx" and already implemented int MySQLi.
> ext/mysql and ext/mysqli is like PHP4 and PHP5 - we can't keep adding
> new functions to ext/mysql, cause eventually it'll become ext/mysqli.
> On 05/14/2007 09:30 PM, Scott MacVicar wrote:
>> Was discussed last summer and again in January this year, I forgot about
>>  it for 5.2.2 until recently.
>> Spoke to ilia on IRC on Friday and his only comment was to use the new
>> param parsing API.
>> Scott
>> Antony Dovgal wrote:
>>> On 05/14/2007 09:10 PM, Scott MacVicar wrote:
>>>> scottmac        Mon May 14 17:10:47 2007 UTC
>>>>   Modified files:              (Branch: PHP_5_2)
>>>>     /php-src    NEWS     /php-src/ext/mysql    php_mysql.c php_mysql.h
>>>>   Log:
>>>>   Add mysql_set_charset() so that the connection encoding can be
>>>> changed. This is similar to the SET NAMES statement but allows the
>>>> mysql_real_escape_string to use the correct character set.
>>> When and where was this discussed?

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