On 05/15/2007 08:52 PM, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:
That said, I'm happy with both func_b.phpt and func_basic.phpt (and even 009.phpt) =)
We just need more tests, doesn't matter what their names look like.

I think it does. If one needs to see which tests there are or are there any tests that test particular thing or inspect certain aspects of a functionality, navigating a maze of func_01234.phpt, all alike, is a nightmare. Of course, I could open all of them one by one and remember which one does what - that is if I were a being with unlimited lifespan, infallible memory and never felt bored - but for regular human it's a painful experience.

Well, I'm pretty sure regular humans know how to run `find . -name "*.phpt" | xargs 
grep "func`.

So when writing a new tests it would be very good to give them names that make sense, it doesn't cost anything and helps people. Renaming old ones might be somewhat boring task, so not sure anybody ever would do that...

Wbr, Antony Dovgal

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