Lester Caine wrote:
Wez Furlong wrote:
I'd modify that to say that no one with the C skills is interested in
taking it over, and there is almost no incentive to do this because
"no one" uses it.

I would not say that on the firebird-php list Wez - one hell of a lot of people rely on it for their livelyhood. I know - I'm one of them. I don't have time to waste to move perfectly functional code from one driver to another just because others say that is what must happen. I'll stick with the driver that *IS* working, and uses the optimal method of getting SQL in and out of the engine rather than having to take a second best route.

Lester, the point is simple. Very few things in PHP get done because someone besides the actual developer needs it. In some cases this "need" is created by a corporate sponsor as in the case of the oci8 driver. But you can argue all you want on this, the fact of the matter is that "importance" in PHP is determined by the assumption that anything important will have someone to hack on. Of course some "important" things might just be unlucky in this setup and Firebird seems to be hit by that.

So I suggest that you go hunt on firebird-php for some people with hacking skills, that are interested in playing with PDO. That being said, you are right the native extensions are slightly faster (unless you are making heavy use of fetchAll()) and they work nice and provide more features. That beind said, a lot of shiny new software is build on top of PDO and if nobody in the Firebird community picks up the PDO driver, all the Firebird users will be left out in the cold. But again, if nobody with C hacking skills is feeling sufficient pain over this, the assumption is that the pool of users is too small or the pain is too small.


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