Hi again,

I'm aware that you can do `$a = $group . '_' . $fn; $a();`, but you can do `$b = $group . '_' . $var; echo $$b;` as well as `echo ${$group . '_' . $var}`. It's a mater of style, not if there is any way to get it done.

Yes I've read about 'static::' some time ago, but forgot about it. Thanks for pointing it out. I (unfortunately) took that as an example, but it wasn't the case I wanted to make.

To my opinion, the ease with which you can use output of an expression to be used as name of a variable is wonderful. The code is so much clearer than when you have to create all kind of temporary variables and/or use eval. I think it is unfortunate that the same logic isn't available for functions and classes.

Best regards,

Gregory Beaver wrote:
Arnold Daniels wrote:

I agree that $this::$var isn't really logical, since $this is an object
and not a class name. But I do not see why $class::$var shouldn't work,
or $class::$method() for that method. You can also do $function().

Also I want to suggest that brackets can be used more freely. Currently
you can use ${$group . '_myvar'}, but you can't do the same for
functions and classes. It would be great if you could use {$group . '_'
. $fn}() and {get_class($this)}::$var.

The way to solve this problems right now is to use eval('return ' .
get_class($this) . '::$var;') for getting the value. Getting a reference
to the variable to set it, is even more messy. You need to do something
like eval('$cvar =& ' . get_class($this) . '::$var;'); $cvar = 'bye';.

Anyway, it is not so nice, but doable in user space fairly easily. So I
don't see why anything needs to be added in PHP 5. It would be nice to
have a better method in PHP 6 though.

From Holland with love,

Hi Arnold,

$a = $group . '_' . $fn;

As for get_class($this)::$var it pays to search the mailing list
archives.  the static:: keyword is being using in PHP 6 to do exactly
what you want from within a class.  Outside of a class, $var::$value
doesn't work yet, but the implementation of static may make it possible
to implement $var::$value as well.


P.S. The list archives are http://marc.info/?l=php-dev and are searchable

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