Again see mail archive for why. That said the name appears to be
the best option already.

Oh, yes, you're right spl_object_hash does its job and does it very
well, there's really no point rename it(or make an alias) into
object_get_id. I should have stated more clear what I think
object_get_id could actually be.

How about object_get_id being a function returning the very first line
of var_dump's output being applied to the object? Let me be a bit more
specific, here's an example of var_dump usage:

$ php -r "class Foo{};$foo = new Foo();var_dump($foo);"
object(Foo)#1 (0) {

What I actually need, not the object hash but simply its unique id.
And in this case "object(Foo)#1" would be just fine. How can I get it?
The only way AFAIK is to surround var_dump with
ob_start/ob_get_contents/ob_end_clean functions and extract this

The problem with approach is if one has a complex object connected
with a graph of other complex objects(with recursive links) var_dump
may take a _very_ long time to complete.
And this is what object_get_id could do - simply return object id
prefixed with the class name.

Best regards, Pavel

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