On Thu, 5 Jul 2007, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

> Stanislav Malyshev wrote:
> >> something isn't clear to me: Is php as apache module supposed to work
> >> without problems - if compiled as zts - only on apache worker or even
> >> on apache prefork?
> > 
> > I think if you manage to compile it that way it might work, but I don't
> > really see why you would want to do it - TS build is slower.
> If you want a module loadable under either prefork, or worker, or even
> perhaps the newer event mpm; you must build zts.  Since many OS bundles
> support multiple MPM's - they are going to build zts.
> And you are right - wins you nothing (loses you a bit in performance) to
> run the prefork MPM with zts.

It's not a bit, the performance increase is quite a bit. Seriously, if 
you distribution is silly enough to give you a TS PHP when you're 
running apache/prefork, please compile from source! It's likely they 
also messed up other things.


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