chris# schrieb:
> On Wed, 11 Jul 2007 21:18:17 -0400, "David Coallier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
>> On 7/11/07, Tijnema <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> On 7/11/07, Jeff Griffiths <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> chris# wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 19:30:26 -0500, Larry Garfield
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> ...
>>>>>> The claim that is still repeated
>>>>>> that one "has to" rewrite everything to be OO in order to port to
>> PHP 5
>>>>>> is,
>>>>>> quite simply, FUD.
>>>>> True. But then again, what's the point of using 5 if you're not
>> inclined, or
>>>>> have the need to write OO apps? It is simply alot of wasted
>> language/ space
>>>>> and resources, as a whole. Hey! I don't need OO and I've already got
>> PHP4
>>>>> installed. Why bother with 5 at all?
>>>> There are a number of nice features in PHP5 that have nothing to do
>> with
>>>> actually creating your own classes or extending built-ins, such as
>> (off
>>>> the top of my head):
>>>>  - file_get_contents()
>>> PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5
>>>>  - simplexml / DOM parsing / libxml2
>>>>  - json_encode|decode
>>> JSON PECL extension can be installed for PHP >= 4.3.0
>>>>  - stable APC
>>>>  - SPL
>>>>  - PDO ( although you can get it for 4.4, you can't depend on it being
>>>> there )
>>>>  - backwards compatibility with lots of procedural PHP4 code =)
>>>> If you're writing an app that does a lot of json or xml parsing or
>>>> output, *even if you don't use the class keyword anywhere in your own
>>>> code* PHP5 is a better language than PHP4. Drupal is a great example
>> of
>>>> this because even though Drupal doesn't use classes, many Drupal devs
>>>> want to use PHP5 features in Drupal core. Right Larry?
>>>> JeffG
>>> Except for the OO, I don't see anything that can't be done in PHP4,
>>> while it can be done in PHP5. Some workarounds are maybe needed, but
>>> it mostly doesn't require more than 10 lines of PHP code extra.
>> file_put_contents (Probably the one you meant Jeff)
>> http_build_query
>> xslt* (yeah.. not xslt2.. still ;-) )
>> streams (good ones)
>> There are so many functions that have changed... here:
>> To reply to chris above there... yes you could have used any kind of
>> DOM in whatever browser and javascript, however, if you wanted to do
>> dom manipulation with php, you had to use the domxml pecl extension
>> ( which was outdated from it's
>> first day (No offence to you chregu :P the extension was useful but
>> ugly and slow as a$$)
>> What else.. I mean... seriously guys.. what the deuce ? Get over
>> php4.. yeah made us all win money.. but now make real applications..
>> if you need to make simple func scripts, go ahead, you even have more
>> functions than ever..
> Unfortunately my original point has become obscured by hair splitting.
> I was done with this "hair splitting" when I stated that I liked /both/
> versions - each for different reasons. It's like a comment made earlier
> regarding the use of assembler.
> Consider the following...
> Assembler is fastest by far - at shifting bits. Can I use it to create and
> run web pages/applications? Yes. But just because it is the fastest language
> for shifting bits, doesn't make the best language for the web - unless you
> were making a web server with it (not out of it).
> I think that same analogy applies to both versions of PHP - one version is
> more suitable for one thing (your choice(s) here), and vise-a-versa. Or;
> while PHP5 allows you to manifest functionality, PHP4 allows you to tack
> it on.

i don't think so ... PHP 5 is always the better choice ... cause PHP 4
development has stopped and support will end and you will get no more
security update after 2008-08-08(?)

Sebastian Mendel

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