
I understand, but Yahoo is huge. We are not... Saying that it is standard practice for ISP's is perhaps (ehh for sure) a bit of an overstatement, since I only have contact with other small hosting providers like us.

For us making packages actually takes up a significant amount of time, so creating a different package for everything is simply not feasible. Also all our web servers have the same configuration (luckily).

Anyway, I only mend to say that building pecl packages in the PHP distro isn't so rare as just claimed. So it would be nice if this nifty feature would also work for added packages.

Best regards,

Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
Arnold Daniels wrote:
Hi Rasmus,

I hope you've got a lot of fingers on your hand, because we do this as well.

All servers are updated with an apt script and our private repository.
It's easier to manage a single php package on all servers, that 14
different packages. Each time PHP updates we take the newest packages
from pecl and sometimes if PHP isn't updated for a more than a month, we
might make a build with the same PHP version but new pecl packages.

To my knowledge this is standard practice for ISP's (who build PHP them
selfs). I haven't heard of anyone actually using `pecl update` to
update. Most ISP's just update the whole thing one each week, month,
year, decade.

I'm not talking about pecl update.  I never use that either.  The way we
do it at Yahoo, and the way the distros do it, is to create separate
packages for as many things as possible such that in order to quickly
update any component we can do it with the lowest impact possible.  Not
all servers have all the PHP-related packages installed, obviously, so
if there is a critical update to a specific package we can limit it to
just the affected servers.


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