The reason I posted my suggestions on this list was that a while ago I had a few ideas as to how PHP could be improved. A seasoned PHP developer suggested that I'd take my suggestions to this list.

Thanks a lot for your suggestions, but (as you can see from the list) we have a lot of other things to do and adding new pretty looking features from other languages is the last thing in my personal TODO list.

There are two ways to add a new feature I know of:
1) to convince the developers that it's terribly critical to have this feature (which I doubt is possible) or rouse their interest in some other way;
2) to do it yourself, probably with some help from the developers.

I believe the second way is and will stay the best ever.
And it's not about your CVS karma, this is how Open Source works.

Also, every time you suggest a new feature, you should remember that it would appear on shared hostings in no less than 3-5 years.
This is quite critical issue for most of the people, but they tend to forget 
about it.

Wbr, Antony Dovgal

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