On Tue, July 24, 2007 5:24 pm, Nuno Lopes wrote:
> Recently we have moved http://gcov.php.net to a new (and much faster)
> server. This allowed us to reduce the time to build all branches to
> "just" 2
> days (compared with almost one week that would take previously).
> However I'm still not happy :P The server has 2x2 CPU cores and I
> would like
> to use them :) Currently I can speed-up the make process, because it
> can be
> parallelized (with -j xx). But the major time is still spent with
> run-tests.php.
> So, what I would like to propose is a multi-threaded version of
> run-tests.php. We could spawn x processes (configurable) and one of
> them
> would test y extensions (I think it's better to have each extension's
> tests
> tested serially or they may break, because they may use the same
> resources:
> BDs, files, etc..).

Sounds good to this naive reader.

Set X high enough, and you might even find an multi-extension
thread-safe issue we've been missing. :-v

If I'm reading it right, for sure the pgsql extension tests are serial
within the extension, as it re-uses the DB connection and presumes
test db setup in early tests, so you're 100% right on the inability to
parallelize that.

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I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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