Hello Jani,

  David has a point here. So first of all we should move getopt
implementation out of CLI/CGI and into main. Could you do that
first Jani?


Monday, August 6, 2007, 3:57:26 PM, you wrote:

> Hi internals,

> so based on a discussion of php.pecl we thought about using the php_getopt
> for the PHP_FUNCTION(getopt) instead of the system provided getopt. Here
> is the patch for that. Hopefully someone is reviewing and commiting the
> patch as i don't have karma. 

> It addes main/getopt.c main/php_getopt.h to the build system and uses the
> php_getopt function in the ext/standard/basic_functions.c. Furthermore it
> removes all HAVE_GETOPT and HARTMUT_0 switches. it also enable longopts
> for both win and linux in the form
> $opt = getopt("a", array("param:", "param2"));

> Where ":" in the longopts marks that the parameter takes an argument.

> The main/getopt.c and main/php_getopt.h is in fact taken from
> sapi/cli/getopt.c and sapi/cli/php_getopt.h but is slightly modified.

> http://experimentalworks.net/~dsp/getopt.patch.tar.gz

> It also runs on windows.

> To apply the patch:
>  1) remove 
>        sapi/cli/getopt.c sapi/cli/php_getopt.h 
>        sapi/cgi/getopt.c sapi/cgi/php_getopt.h

>  2) add main/getopt.c and main/php_getopt.h frm the archive
>  3) apply the patch.

Best regards,

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