After all that has been said and done since this post:

Is it safe to say that this functionality laid out is still representative of what is involved in the "namespace" patch?

Or, is there a wiki / proposal page somewhere that would better exemplify what is attempting to be accomplished?


Stanislav Malyshev wrote:
Except for a little thing, those are not namespaces, but something
more similar to packages.

What is "namespaces"? Here's wikipedia:

A namespace is a context in which a group of one or more identifiers might exist. An identifier defined in a namespace is associated with that namespace. The same identifier can be independently defined in multiple namespaces, that is, the meaning associated with an identifier defined in one namespace is independent of the same identifier declared in any other namespace. Languages that support namespaces specify the rules that determine which namespace an occurrence of an identifier (ie, not its definition) belongs to.

So why those are not namespaces?

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