Hannes Magnusson wrote:
On 8/14/07, Stanislav Malyshev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
A Major bugfix maybe ( yes, it was clearly a bug/misfeature)
A bug is when code doesn't do what was intended. This is not the case,
this is the case of missing feature. While I think everybody agrees this
  feature is good to us, it's not the time to add it. We lived for years
without it, we can live for a couple more monthes :)

I totally agree that major changes like this should not go into a
minor bugfix releases.

Agreed. As such I think it should only go into 5.3 and not even a later release of 5.2.x.

The revert however came out of nowhere and felt like a big fat SCREW

Andi wrote, 10 days ago, that he was OK with it if the patch was "decent
(doesn't screw up common case and maintainability)" and was going to
look at the patch better "tomorrow"...

So the key in all of this is transparency. I personally find the frequent "hold commit, I will review" posts from Andi very in transparent. It seems there seems to never be a public follow up. At any rate, commit messages should be clear and this commit message missed the critical information "change is not considered a bug fix and as it is a fairly major change it is considered to be out of scope within a minor release"


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