Antony Dovgal wrote:
> Ilia? Greg?
> Any comments?
> On 14.08.2007 15:42, Antony Dovgal wrote:
>> This patch breaks PEAR phar install on 64bit.
>>> From what I can see in the source code, it compares data in the phar
>>> with 
>> the result of sprintf("%u"..), which is different on 32bit and 64bit
>> because of this patch.
>> Either phar should be changed to detect this situation or this patch
>> should be reverted.


My only comment is I've already been forced to change a fully working
PHP_Archive 3 times because of bugfixes that broke BC in pack/unpack,
and I changed it to sprintf("%u") because it was the only way to ensure
that the behavior works the same way on 32-bit and 64-bit.

I would appreciate it if this is the last change of this nature that I
need to deal with :).

As for PHP_Archive, I'll try to figure out a solution but to be honest,
I'm not too keen on this, as sprintf("%u") was the only solution I found
last time.  Perhaps dropping unpack() and rewriting it in userspace is
my only option <shiver>.


P.S. just to be clear, this is PHP_Archive we're talking about, not
phar.  phar is a PHP extension that has no such problems as it does all
the unpacking internally, PHP_Archive is a userspace stream wrapper that
uses unpack()/sprintf("%u")

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