Daniel Brown wrote:
On 8/24/07, Steve Francisco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If the command line doesn't have a way to cause $_GET to be populated,
then what other way of invoking PHP could I use?
-- Steve


    You'd need to transpose the $_GET variables from the request to
$argv variables via the CLI.  I don't know exactly how Java would
handle it, but the PHP equivalent (though rather recursive and
unnecessary, it's just here for demonstration purposes) would be:

Thanks Daniel, I can certainly do that in Java without much trouble, however I was hoping to avoid needing to do things in each php file to convert argv into $_GET. I want to be able to serve standard PHP without modifying each one.

But you made me realize there is a way. I wrote a small "pre.php" file like this:
        for($i=1;$i<count($argv);$i++) {
                $variables = split("=",$argv[$i]);
                $_GET[$variables[0]] = $variables[1];

and in my php.ini, I set this:
auto_prepend_file =e:\php523\pre.php

Now it works fine without having to modify the php code! All I need to do is have the Java code set up the html parms as argv, and I'm done.
-- Steve

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